How come you have to wait on Jehovah? Shouldn't he be faster than you?

by dgp 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • designs

    'Wait wait I want more pain and suffering, ok now I'm ready'

  • Jeffro
    Of course to a JW, the WTS never has "false teachings" or "wrong actions" at all. They only have "views in need of refinement" caused by their laudable zeal to see Jehovah's kingdom fully established on earth...

    This isn't strictly correct. JWs don't generally consider that they have "views in need of refinement". Such refinements are only considered necessary after the fact. JWs 'in good standing' consider whatever they are currently told to believe to be 'truth'.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?



    You nailed it!

    Who are you? I MUST KNOW!

    Just kidding. I wanted to be dramatic because I really liked your post. Good job.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?


    You too. Good comment.

  • the-illuminator81

    Q: I read the bible and this part of the doctrine has no biblical basis

    A: You are a filthy apostate and lying

    Q: No really, it says so right here *shows bible*

    A: Oh yeah well you have to wait on Jehovah


    Q: I don't understand this new doctrine, I mean look at last weeks awake, it says we know for sure that the generation of 1914 will witness armageddon, and now suddenly we have this overlapping stuff? And they changed the masthead!

    A: Jah's chariot moves quick and you have to keep up.

    Conclusion: Jehovah moves either slow or fast, whenever the GB needs him to. If the GB says jump, Jehovah asks "How high?"

  • DesirousOfChange

    The celestial chariot's pit crew should be fired.

    And so should the PR managment team being used on Earth. They have only recruited 1/10th of 1% of mankind for salvation.

    If it's true:

    (1 Timothy 2:4) . . .[God's] will is that all sorts of men should be saved . . .

    (2 Peter 3:9) . . .he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.

    . . . . Then he really needs a new batch of PR recruiters! (WalMart gets a better share of the market than that!)


  • wannabefree

    Jehovah is fast, but he uses slow people to run his organization. Waiting on His organization builds character.

  • Alfred

    Whenever there's a question that the WT can't answer, the proof text that usually gets defaulted to is Micah 7:7...

    But this text is simply referring to Micah's need to wait on Jehovah to settle the corruption that existed in the society that this prophet was living in... Micah wasn't waiting on Jehovah for any Nu-Lite or "further clarification" of the latest flip-flop or anything having to do with doctrine or prophecies...

    As a matter of fact, when it comes to doctrines or prophecies that we have questions on, the Bible says that we should NOT wait on Jehovah (Deu 18:20-22, 1 Tes 5:21, 1 John 4:1)...

  • BluesBrother

    Micah 7.7

    "I will show a waiting attitude for the God of my salvation"

    O K .. I do not expect the Almighty to base his timetable to suit little old me...but, as has been said, 2000 years ago things were "shortly to take place" , Rev 1.1....Is that shortly as from Gods Heavenly viewpoint? He was speaking to humans who live 70 years so surely he would talk in human terms...I contend it may not be The Bible, but the understanding that is at fault..

    I was faithful and patient ever since the late 50's, the 60's, through the debacle of the 70's, all the 80's but by the late 90's , I was thinking that something was wrong somewhere !

    Where the hell is it?????????????????????????

  • WTWizard

    Jehovah actually doesn't want you enjoying life. Rather, he would rather enslave each and every one of us--Jehovah would make the Rothschilds look like the Messiah. The promises are not going to be fulfilled. "Wait on Jehovah" is merely a smokescreen to keep us waiting our whole lives when nothing is actually coming, serving that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag all the while. And, once you die, there is nothing else forthcoming--except possibly another run of exactly the same rubbish Jehovah threw at you the first time, and no memory of it so you cannot benefit from past mistakes and reap rewards from past good deeds.

    Fact is, this plays in the "Jehovah loves us" scam. You get the line "Wait on Jehovah", and you can be misled into thinking that God loves you when he doesn't. Throw in a few out of date stock examples (which may not even be true at all--they aren't even verifiable) where God did help someone, and the illusion is complete. Add a dose of "God willing", and it is almost perfect. Nothing happens, you didn't wait long enough or it wasn't God's will--yet God still loves you? Rubbish!

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