They all look alike now.

by AK - Jeff 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Funny the way our minds unwind and refocus after leaving a high control religion.

    When I first left the Jdubs I saw them more closely to what the entire world sees them I suppose, but not truly clearly at those early stages. They still looked to me to be 'good people' but misguided. As time went on, though the misguided feature remained, the 'good people' supposition faded. After all, it is not 'good people' who shun children and aged adults and sometimes do not even tell family members of a death of a close relative, is it? It is not 'good people' who stand by praying to an imaginary god while allowing a child to bleed to death because someone 'interpreted' an ancient book written by nomadic sheep-herders to 'pour out the blood onto the ground'. It is not 'good people' who walk away from lifetime friendships, marriages, or relationships with flesh and blood over the 'sin' of leaving a religion.

    Later, I tried to identify with other Christian religions, and I soon saw them to be very much like Jdubs. Deluded, convinced of their possession of 'truth', also derived from the same ancient writings- just interpreted a bit differently. Same delusions about god, sin, everlasting life, etc.

    Then I looked at Christianity in general and saw the same thing. I have recently watched 'Christian' candidates for our nations' highest office speak with pride about 'converting homosexuals' or 'praying to god for rain to end this drought' or still clinging to the idea that stem cell research is 'immoral' - once again, all this coming from the dreggs of an ancient book and 'interpretation' of that book by people 3 or 4 thousand years from the oral creation of it by illiterate desert dwellers.

    I looked at the other major religions in power on this planet, and lo and behold, I see the same nonsense, the same superstitions, the same reliance on the guidance of people's writings from several millennia past.

    After the onion has been peeled, they all look alike to me. People who are afraid to admit reality, hiding behind 'hope' that is false, based on ancient ideas of those who didn't even grasp yet when they wrote these things the simple things of science. And yet their books portend to be from a god who knows all.

    I am not the same man I was 8 years ago. I am elated each day about that fact. I find myself confused why so many, otherwise seemingly intelligent people, are so dependent on acceptance of ideas that exist without a shred of evidence.

    I know that the superstitious will always be among mankind. It seems very likely though that the numbers will fall to record lows at some point - after all logic cannot be forever denied. Much progress has been made in the past 100 years in that direction, and in the next 100 years perhaps we will see further movement away from imaginary friends and movement toward reality and the only rewards we actually have, in this life.

    It is good to know that there is no god, no sin, no hell, no heaven. Imagine the time when all will know this, it's easy if you try. [Sorry John].


  • N.drew

    God is power. Are you saying you believe there is no power?

    People with their foolish ways have attempted to appease the power and please the power but that is where, I think, the world went wrong, just like you believe most people have gone wrong including me with my "imaginary friend". But you got that right! The power can be our friend.

    All the rest of your very nice essay is your perspective which is just about right on.

  • cantleave

    Good observations Jeff

  • OnTheWayOut
    After all, it is not 'good people' who shun children and aged adults and sometimes do not even tell family members of a death of a close relative, is it? It is not 'good people' who stand by praying to an imaginary god while allowing a child to bleed to death because someone 'interpreted' an ancient book written by nomadic sheep-herders to 'pour out the blood onto the ground'. It is not 'good people' who walk away from lifetime friendships, marriages, or relationships with flesh and blood over the 'sin' of leaving a religion.

    I suppose it's all in our definition of "good." Personally, I still think the average JW who does these things is "good." It's just that the stupid cult has warped their ability to decide for themselves what is good.

    I want to say that a "good" parent would never ever shun their child. If that same child went to prison for murder, they would still contact him. But I know that WTS interferes in the parents' thinking.

    These people are tricked into thinking that it is higher good to do these evil things.

    At the same time, there are asses in every religion. Some asses within the JW's use the shunning rules to isolate themselves or to treat family badly. So I think the average JW is good, but they aren't all average.

    Christianity, in general, is no different. Many good people and many asses. Many people who are sort of good but let their religion dictate their feelings on homosexuals and on abortion and politics and the like.

    To be clear: the standard for Christianity, the Bible, basically condemns all kinds of things that you are doing. It doesn't say that homosexual premarital sex is worse than heterosexual premarital sex. It condemns every level of lying and every type of "work" on the sabbath. It insists that you put aside a portion of your succcess for gleaning. THERE's THE PROBLEM WITH CHRISTIAN RELIGION- there's something for everyone to hate or judge others with and they pick and choose how much of the condemnation to apply.

    Now, to be totally fair, there are asses among the atheists who have figured this all out. But at least their excuses for their "assiness" are their own.

  • fade_away

    Amen! (no pun).... I too am slowly coming to the realization that my friend was imaginary. The invisible man in the sky is the grown ups version of Santa Claus. I watched the documentary "Religulous" last night (Great film! Highly recommend!)...and in the movie, Bill Maher asks a religious man if he belives in Santa Claus and the man said "no I don't". Bill says "of course not right? I mean the idea of a fat man traveling the world in one night sliding down chimneys and dropping presents in every house in the world is ridiculous! But an invisible man in the sky who listens to millions of people murmuring in his ear all at once, now THAT I get." He was being sarcastic of course, and the religious man had a serious look on his face.

  • lifestooshort

    Here is what my atheist freind told me a long time ago. And it is not based on scripture but obsevation. Illogic always supersedes logic.

  • EmptyInside

    I understand how you feel. My journey on discovering this is relatively new,never thought,I would entertain the idea of being an atheist.

    But,I also feel that there is good and bad in all. And,yes,even bad atheists. LOL.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I too have a problem seeing them as 'good'. I cannot speak regarding christians of other 'faiths' as i know none.

    I can not see that these people deserve the tag of good.

    They love their children...really? Evidence screams otherwise. Feeding and clothing them is not love, that's a parents duty.

    Educating a child to be true to themselves, helping them through the storms of life is love, not forcing them to fake belief in an imaginary friend and certainly not shunning them for not believing in that same invisible friend.


  • EmptyInside

    As Witnesses we were told to view non-Witnesses as potential Witnesses. So,I'm trying to see Witnesses as future ex-Witnesses. It helps a bit.

  • WTWizard

    I believe that the whole concept that God actually loves us is rubbish. This is a scam to get people suckered into religions, where they waste much energy obeying rules and feeling shame and guilt when all they did is what people are designed to do. The prospect that, if you obey, you get a reward after you die (which cannot be verified) is what keeps people afraid of leaving their religions. And they cannot come up with genuine examples proving God's love for them--they use the stock, out of date examples that are a good 3500 years out of date to "prove" it. Every time what amounts to plain old good luck hits them, they use that as proof that God loves them--rubbish.

    In reality, that whole "God loves us" rubbish is nothing more than a scam designed, by God himself, to keep us enslaved to him. If we are deluded by that scam, we will give up much pleasure and slave for a master that supposedly loves us. We will seek the tiniest excuse to see this "love" when it is nothing more than blind luck or the result of our own work. It also makes us feel guilt and shame if we do something God disapproves of or we don't do enough of what we are "supposed" to be doing. All rubbish.

    I concluded that, far from loving us, God really despises the thought of any of us attaining to real happiness. Satan, assigned to guard mankind and keep us in Jehovah's servitude, became attached to mankind--and attempted to save us from Jehovah's tyranny. Satan thus showed more genuine love for the human race than Jehovah can pretend to. And Jesus? He died trying to save mankind from Jehovah's tyranny. And Jehovah, the sore loser he is, twisted Jesus' sayings to back up Jehovah. What Jehovah said that Jesus said is not what Jesus actually said.

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