It appears that I am being hunted down (visited by two elders)

by maninthemiddle 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • thetrueone

    Their seeking people out who've been inactive and who were at one time baptized, is done so that maybe they can lure the person back or

    they can openly DF that person at the Hall, which instills a semblance of fear as well to substantiate their power over the rest of the flock.

    What I would do personaly, would be to say you've done some research on the organization and found the doctrines false and misleading

    and this is the reason for you leaving. This always leaves them confused and off balanced.

    There is no necessity to be mean and abusive to these guys, just be tactfully firm.

  • Honesty

    The only power those demonized men hold over you is the level of power that you give them.

    Tell them to f*k off and get on with your life.

  • thetrueone

    The point of whether a person was baptized or not, plays bit into the consideration of removing oneself from this religion and how many

    members of your family are still devoted followers.

    Something I never considered is the visiting CO may look at the publishing record of the congregation No.# hours in service,

    No.# placements, book studies ...etc.

  • undercover

    I will continute to ignore them but, I have no plans on hiding anymore, my wife is free so they can do anything they want.

    Sounds pretty good. You're out, your wife is out. They have no hold on you.

    If they should continue to show up at your door...

    You can be polite, cordial, pleasant: "Thank you for your interest in my spiritual well-being, but I'm in a good place and I don't need your assistance at this time. If I do need it, I will let you know. Goodbye." Downside to that tactic is that a lot of dubs are thick in the head. They just don't get it when they've gone too far. It might not send the message clear enough.

    So you can be more pointed, sure to get the point across(and just for the fun of it): "I don't care to speak to you or any elder about anything. Please do not attempt to call on me again. Now, leave my property and do not return. If you persist in trying to contact me I will take out a restraining order on you."

  • sabastious

    UC, that's a good point about Witnesses not knowing when they have crossed the line, it resonates with me. They seem to lack some sort of filter, no?


  • Quirky1

    Ain't nuthin' a good swift kick in the dick can't cure.... Cut your ties.. And only you can do it..

  • thetrueone

    It comes in guys be virtue of years of brain washing, the reason of their persistence is the way this religion indoctrinates people.

    This is the only religion that has the Truth, chosen specifically by god, the end is soon, these are all psychological entrapments.

    The constantly arranged pronouncements at the KHS to draw newly interested ones to the halls

    or haven't been active, plays another big roll in their aggressive persistence.

  • maninthemiddle

    Thanks for all the replies, I appreciate it.

    Leavingwt, Let's say they disfellowship you: Bravo! Badge of honor

    I hadn't thought of it like that, thanks, I like it.


    I had not thought of it like that since publicly the announcement is the same, but I guess what the elderetts hear may be different and probably would get around too.

    trueone, I like that, If I get cornered and have to make a reply that sounds good.

    I feel that Undercover’ s approach does not define a line, and they in their misplaced sense of authority will not see it unless you clearly spell it out. However it is polite, and that is what I want.

    Speaking of authority, something else to share...when they were speaking with my wife they said they called a nearby congregation and they did not know us , and they asked if we had asked anyone to move our cards. My wife was honest and said that no, we hadn't and know the local congregation still has them.

    When she told me this, I had to explain the reason they wanted to know if our cards were still supposed to be on file with them, is to establish their authority. One they did that, the questioning started.

  • maninthemiddle

    trueone, what you say about them thinking they have absolute truth is the reason I don't want to waste my time write any letter, or going to any meeting. i know there are thoes that hoped to make a difference by going to a JC to talk, but I don't see the point for this reason.

    There is nothing you can say that they don't already have an answer to, when you have absolute truth you tune out and don't think.

    I have read and I am familer with CCMC and it still amazes me so see it in action.

  • blondie

    Write a good and brief letter and post it in the local newspaper, whatever you can afford. Or send a copy on the same day to every jw you want to read it. The elders definitely won't read past the first paragraph.

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