Pose THIS QUESTION and watch JW"S REALIZE they have been DUPED!!

by foolsparadise 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • foolsparadise

    I told a current longtime JW friend who hasn't been to a meeting in months now :) this statement:

    "If JW's were so honest and this was the true religion that they really and i mean REALLY believed was the TRUTH, how come they never tell any of their return visits or children before babtizim that if they ever choose to think differently and believe differently and decides they no longer want to be one of Jehovahs Witness, they will be shunned by all former friends and last but not least FAMILY??!! Do you really think if they were told this "DISCLOSURE" at the time of studying they would continue? Of course not. No ONE would JOIN!!!"

    He looked at me with a sadness in his eyes because he just realized and UNDERSTOOD that the TRUTH became the LIE. He thanked me with tears in his eyes. He will now pose this question to his family members

    Try it EVERYONE!! The realization sets into their brain within seconds, you can see it all over their face...

    Post it all over FACEBOOK to set these minds free from this destructive family killing cult

  • simon17

    Devil's advocate for you:

    "Of course they know that leaving the true religion would mean leaving God and a disaproved state. Disfellowshipping it something that studies who have progressed for months are aware of. Sure we're not going to give them an hour long story of the worst case scenerio. Besides, that is a loving arrangement that disfellowshipped people even are aware of is for their benefit. And if they really rebel agains the congregation, they must be cut off from the congregation and have proven themselves unworthy of the kingdom of God."

    Circular reasoning

    Thought-blocking maneauvers

    and Misdirection.

    That would work to protect them from doubts and probably just annoy you and get you nowhere.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Youse guyz and your life-changing questions- NOT.

    Any JW worth his weight in New World Translations would simply answer with:

    No, people are not ready for that truth when they are first studying. It is not until they can fully appreciate the truth that they are ready to understand how we must guard our brotherhood against the machinations of the devil and how we must keep Jehovah's organization clean.

  • foolsparadise

    I value your opinion!

  • MrFreeze

    Sounds like this is a one-off and won't work in 99.99% of cases. Are you willing to have people risk being outed as apostates for that small chance?

  • cyberjesus

    No people dont join either way. They are only growing cuz they are brainwashing their kids.

  • GLTirebiter

    I agree with OTWO. Any of those "stumper" questions will only work on somebody who is ready to hear it. That may be before they begin "studying", or after they have come to similar conclusions on their own and already are heading up the road away from the Kingdom Hall. For those who are mentally "in", these tactics only reinforce the persecution complex--in their eyes, it is a Watchtower prediction coming true right before their eyes, so it does more harm than good.

    It's better to prove the Watchtower wrong by being living, breathing proof that non-Witnesses are not all disgusting liars, cheats and thieves. It is said that "living well is the best revenge." That is also a strong rebuttal to the Watchtower's caricature of all us "worldly" people. In other words, actions do speak louder than words!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    He will now pose this question to his family members

    ..... who will adjust his faulty thinking and guilt trip him for talking to an APOSTATE

  • sir82

    JW standard response:

    Jesus gave his disciples only a little information at a time. "...I have many things to tell you, but you are not able to hear them at present...". Likewise with the disciples we try to make today - some truths are deeper than others, and if presented too quickly it might well 'scare them off'. Better to present the information a little at a time. After all, even Jehovah says "the light gets brighter"...yada yada yada.

    That said, actually, the ramifications of disfellowshipping are typically glossed over during a "Bible" study, and I'd venture to say that most JW converts are utterly clueless about the effects of it until long after their baptism.

  • Ding

    I appreciate the sharing of various approaches that have actually worked with someone.

    Just be aware that there is no surefire method.

    What works well with one JW may have no effect on another and may even backfire.

    I think it's good to have a lot of different arrows in your quiver.

    Usually non-confrontational approaches work best because they give you an opportunity to raise a number of different points over time rather than putting all your eggs in one basket and ending up in front of a JC. (Of course, if the person asking the question has never been a JW, then they have a lot more freedom to question WT policy and practice.)

    As a JW trying to make the same point, you would have to be more cautious. You might say, "There's been a lot of negative publicity recently about the WTS' shunning policy. I'm wondering how best to reply to a person at the door who says, `You are asking me to change my religion, but I understand that JWs aren't allowed to do that without being shunned by all their friends and family. That seems like a double standard to me. Why should I risk that?'"

    If your JW friend gets upset and asks if anyone has ever actually asked you that at the door, you might say, "Not yet, but I really don't know how to respond to the negative publicity about the shunning policy. What do you suggest as a good answer to that question?"

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