UK charity "Refuge" gives response to WT article on domestic abuse

by cedars 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cedars

    Hi Alfred - thank you for relating your experience. Although some would downgrade the seriousness of domestic abuse within the organization, experiences such as yours demonstrate just how prevalent it is - and how inept elders are at identifying and stopping it.


  • Heaven

    Physical abuse is not the only abuse going on in this group.

    Psychological and emotional abuses run rampant as well. This risks of punishment for not towing the company line is abuse. Any sort of thought, information, or emotional control is abuse. Denying people the right to choose life-saving medical treatments, placing individuals at different levels and in different 'classes' within the org, their misogynistic ideals, forcing people to do their bidding (meetings and Field-Serve Us) using guilt and the risk of losing eternal life if not done, forcing family members to shun their loved ones is all abuse.

    The entire organization is steeped in abusive methodologies. It is oppressive. Only one result comes from abuse and oppression... Revolution.

    We are all a part of this revolution. Cedars is helping to lead the way. Rise Up... because we ain't takin' it anymore!

  • soft+gentle

    yes Heaven, I agree we are all part of this revolution - but revolutionaries come in many different shapes and sizes. I tend toward a Condorcet type rather than a Robespierre type. I'm not sure what Cedars postion is - but for the moment I won't be putting my weight behind him as he wants me to stop posting on his thread because this is such a sensitve issue and I am apparently trying to minimise it - now where have I heard that before? (elders telling women to shut up even when the issues concern them)

  • cedars

    Soft+gentle - don't be ridiculous. I didn't even know you were a woman, so please don't bring sexism into it and try to label me a sexist hypocrite. If I assumed anything about your identity, it's that you might be a bethel elder based on the insidious nature of some of your remarks - so your gender really has absolutely nothing to do with anything, and I think it's pretty low of you to play that card.

    In case you haven't noticed, I have created your own thread to help you gather evidence for your bizarre claims that domestic abuse cases haven't been as serious over the past 10 years. So far, the support for your ideas hasn't exactly been overwhelming.

    I really don't enjoy having to deal in such a blunt way with people like you, but I am baffled as to why you have now targeted me with your crazy claims on two of my threads. I can only ask "why me?" You seem to want to place a banana skin under my foot at any opportunity. Please can you leave me alone?


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