UK charity "Refuge" gives response to WT article on domestic abuse

by cedars 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cedars

    Thanks Mickey - I think I will take this as far as possible with the press. You're probably right about the "charity v. charity" issue. I was a bit deflated when I saw that the Refuge statement wasn't worded more strongly against the article specifically, but I kind of understand the position they're in. I guess it's down to me now.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    I think you need to take it to the press. It doesn't surprise meatme at all that a charity doesn't want to name and shame another 'charity'.


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    I think you deserve a special commendation for compiling this information. Like others, it hurt so much to read it that I could barely think. The statistical analysis is very nice. Much more helpful than a mere vent. I don't have time to read your blog now but I will definitely do so asap. Your points are very cogent without being hysterically antiWitness.

    Getting any response from an established domestic violence charity is a real coup. Great work.

  • Balaamsass


    My only suggestion would be to improve your Search Engine Optomization for Google with the full words "Jehovah" or "Watchtower" and variations. Your blog didn't show up in my in box.

  • ziddina
    "I still often see and hear in my head a member from the GB on a DVD smile when he said that "persecution is a good thing". ..." Trailer Fitter

    Just like "Mother" Teresa, who considered the agonizing, unnecessary suffering of those unfortunate enough to come under her influence, to be "suffering that glorifies Christ"....


    As was stated about "Mother" Teresa, when it came to her OWN suffering, she high-tailed it off to the most MODERN hospital available... No "suffering for Christ's glorification" for HER...

    And the same goes for those fat, spoiled old farts on the Gov.Bod....


  • cedars

    Thanks everyone for your kind words.

    I have been amazed that, in the short time since my blog has been online, two of the comments are from readers relating their own experience of domestic abuse. That's two people coming forward with tangible evidence of the Society's neglect within hours of an article being posted on the subject! I can't help but wonder whether we are only scratching the surface with this issue, and whether there are many many more "battered lambs" out there who are struggling on a daily basis with the legacy of the Society, who foolishly insist on favoring theological protocol over human life.


  • Bangalore

    Thanks for all your hard work,Cedars.


  • wobble

    Great work Cedars, the responses telling of abuse brought tears to my eyes, no wife or children should have to endure such evil treatment.

    Thanks for all you do, keep up the good work, or should I say, the "fine fight" ?

  • cedars

    Thanks Wobble, Bangalore, Balaamsass, Band on the Run. To be honest I can't help but wonder whether I've bitten off more than I can chew here. Reading such instant responses from women who have actually experienced abuse because of the Society's neglect is really very distressing. It makes me think of all those women out there who are "suffering in silence" at this very moment because of foolish Watchtower dogma, and I get quite agitated inside. It's hard to approach a matter like this without getting emotionally involved. However, that doesn't mean we should ignore it - in fact, much the opposite.

    I have just forwarded a copy of the WT article together with a link to my blog and an explanation of the key issues to my contact in the press. We'll see what comes of this. I think this story needs to be told.


  • Listener

    Roski makes a very good point with

    "To suggest that the husband of the woman in the experience absued her because of her religion is misleading - he would have been doing it anyway"

    From the examples I've read in the WT magazines they often refer to the abuse of the women because of her beliefs as the focus for the abuse. Yet it is so true that the abuse occurs regardless of what a wife does or doesn't do.

    It also makes me angry that the org does not deal with the issues properly. They are in a position where they should be sheperding a person and not an 'institution'. They are in an opportune position to be able to help a woman. One of the biggest hurdles for the victim is to be able to talk to another person about the problem. This is could be for various reasons, including the husband threatening to hurt her if she speaks to anyone else about the abuse. The elders are an ideal confidant for the victim as they are able to keep her problem private and also would not approach the unbelieving mate. Yet they once again show their lack of wisdom and understanding. So when a woman has got over this first hurdle all they are provided with is the advise presented in the latest magazine.

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