What are the reasons?

by neyank 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • neyank

    Hi all,
    Someone asked me the other day why I am so interested in reading about JWs,ex JWs and things that are going on with the WTS.
    I think for the most part,only those who have been involved with the WTS can understand why we are so interested in the subject.
    Of course having believed everything the WTS has told us over the years and dedicating our lives to it kept us tied in with them.
    What are the different reasons that you all have for continuing to be preocupied with the WTS?

  • Pathofthorns
    I think for the most part,only those who have been involved with the WTS can understand why we are so interested in the subject.

    I couldn't agree more. I look forward to this thread.


  • Frenchy

    At first I was very much in the same frame of mind as MoodyBlue and I wanted to make sure that I was not wrong.
    I find that we all have something in common here and so I think that we communicate on a deeper level because of it.
    I also want to make myself available to help, if I can, someone who is trying to get out.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • trevor

    Hi neyank,

    I think we like to know how others are thinking - did they leave for the same reasons as we did. We are loking for validation and reassurance. This is becauce we are human. Anyway - must go or I'll miss my space ship. WOOOOOOooooooooooooooossssh


  • Carmel

    No Saturday college football, no sunday pro-football, no Monday night football, gotta have something for entertainment! So I sit and dream of stumbled vimens and contemplate what coulda been......

    Who's preoccupied?


  • amicus
    What are the different reasons that you all have for continuing to be preocupied with the WTS?

    Continuing does not apply in my case. This really is "new light" to me. I have spent far too much time over the last two weeks examining the teachings of the WTBTS. In my case it's because I want to seperate fact from fiction. The best liars I've know, told stories that were mostly true. It made their stories much more believable.
    That axiom doesn't seem to apply here. I'm having difficulty finding truth admist their lies. I hope eventually I'll answer enough questions to enable myself to move on and be able to look back and laugh at how gullible I was. Perhaps I'll just grow weary of it.
    Check back much later and I'll let you know.

  • joel

    Common Ground

    I remember at meetings for field service...it was always brought up how we can get a friendly conversation goin' with people we knew nothing about...we had to be observant...and try to create COMMON GROUND as soon aas possible...

    well...I don't know any other group of people...that I have sooo much COMMON GROUND with as you fine folk!

    Whassup once-assimilated ones!!


  • RedhorseWoman
    Common ground

    That's it in a nutshell for me. I spent many years after I left the BOrg feeling as if I was the only one who had left. Everyone else was either never a Witness or they were still active Witnesses.

    Having been a Witness for 30 years left me with almost no social skills. Trying to learn how to interact with others at the age of 37 is difficult, to say the least.

    Coming to discussion boards such as this, however, and finding kind, intelligent people who understand has been a refreshing, enlightening experience.

    I also hope that somehow I might be able to help others find their way out of the darkness of the shadow of the WT.

  • Sassenach

    I want to be sure. I'd love to live forever on a perfect paradise earth. Problem is, I don't believe everything that the jehovah's witnesses teach. I don't like sitting on this fence, balancing between doubting myself and then doubting them. I want to know for certain. I guess it is a form of validation. "Do you see what I see?"

    I suppose I need to hear from people who are honestly seeking the truth.

  • happytobefree

    I have wondered why I'm still interested in the JW, when I know I have no desire to every join them again. But I have so much vested into their religion, my mother, father and sister, plus about 50 other relatives. I love this forum, because it validates my feelings. It is so warming to know their are others who are experiencing the same. I just hope that we one day can figure out how we can come together to help others from being hurt. I pray everyday that my family will see the true light, but I pray even harder that the unsuspecting person who answer their door don't become another victim.

    Sassenach - don't worry about a paradise earth. Appreciate and be grateful for the earth God has given us today. I don't think he created us to contemplate the future. Well once again that is just my thought.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

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