Need suggestions-how to put together a local JWN meeting together without getting busted?

by Kensho 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Kensho

    Greetings to all those who are OUT and those living under the shadow of the org.!

    I need some suggestions on vetting people on JWN who may be in my area for a local meet-up. I have my suspicions that we have many in my area who post. Some elders who I personally know that have stepped down without warning recently and have all but DA'd I would like to offer some support here locally.

    I must be careful as I am still in as well as a fellow local comrade we are in for family and friends.

    of course I would have them pm me and then look to see how long they have been posting and what they post to make sure they are not just trolls or WT spies and if comfortable send them the details of the meet via pm. Thats as far as I have gotten so far.

    has anyone pulled this off? ( except for the bandaid on th pinky deal at the DC )

    Kensho Satori

  • OnTheWayOut

    I just took my chances and met with people from JWN (and they took the same chance with me).
    I also later went to and found an ex-JW group. I never worried that there were WT spies coming, but some of the others did worry a bit. I told them that if someone they knew walked up to them, just don't admit who their friends at the table in a restaurant were. Just introduce them by first names and say it's a private gathering, "otherwise, you would be welcome to sit down."

    "A private gathering of what?"

    "Couldn't say."

    You will have to take your chances with some strangers as you meet. It's worth the slight chance to meet with people who understand.

  • Balaamsass

    Same question here. I guess checking long term posts. Perhaps meeting somewhere away from the local hall where it would take a little effort to attend and perhaps a location that might make a "Snitch feel uneasy"..say a...a casino... or a bar...?

  • flipper

    KENSHO- One suggestion I have is to start a new thread in the members only private discussion section and ask if there are any JWN members in your area without getting TOO specific about your exact location. For instance you might ask , " Is there anyone in the Northern California area posting on the board ? " Since I live in Northern California that's an example of how I would post it if it were me.

    We have had really great meetups at Lake Tahoe in the last 4 years with about 20 - 25 coming and really having a good time ! I think it's great that you want to do this. Go for it ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • clearpoison

    Arrange it but do not attend?


  • Kensho

    Thanks for the suggestions, and I realize you have to take a chance with this, man what a paranoid trip to be worried about adults meeting other adults-this is a free country after all!

    The borg has really performed a head trip on us, if not for family I would be outta here! My days are numbered though.


  • cantleave

    In the UK we have a number of JW meet-ups. A lot of us have met on this site, as well as exjw-reunited and the facebook pages. The first one I attended I was still a JW, hadn't long stepped down as an elder. I have met some great people and made some great friends. After leaving the cult I needed to rebuild my social life, and realised that the way to do that was be proactive.

  • DesirousOfChange

    If you're attempting to FADE, you're gonna screw it up with great ideas like this.

    If you don't care, go for it!

    Read the stories of several members here who got careless


  • besty

    WTS 1 Faders 0

  • Kensho


    thanks for the warning, I'm at the end of almost a 2 yr. fade and have been working on family, one was fadeing out at the same time so we are both undercover, so I may take the risk.

    My motives are somewhat just curiousity and the other is to be of support to local faders after 40 yrs. in and just waking up I have come to realize what a head trip this is and just having others like people here on JWN can be a life saver. Two years ago I would be burning "me" at the cross!(oops I mean stake)

    Being in for so long and an ex-elder I know how to push the envelope, but I would appreciate you pointing out any threads with the experiences of others who failed-its good to learn from others mistakes.


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