What is the most ironic statement you have seen in the Watchtower?

by Indian Larry 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • N.drew

    jam " Our wealth is a blessing from Jehovah". That was one of the first teachings that neetled me. How can they teach that it is Jehovah that provides the money to them? It is obvious that their money comes from the goodness and generosity of them who loved Jehovah. And they say it is from Jehovah. I wanted them to change that teaching. Haha. So many other religions say that. It's the stupidest thing that someone can believe. There are people who starve to death or thirst to death, but Jehovah gives other people money?? Dumb I say.

  • Darth Rutherford
    Darth Rutherford


    "Fear has a great hold on the people. People are afraid of what their neighbors, their friends, relatives and clergy might think if they were even so much as to read the Bible on their own. For centuries the clergy have dominated their lives, told them what they can read, what they should believe and do. To ask a sound religious question is a demonstration of lack of faith in God and the church, according to the clergy. As a result, the Irish people do very little independent thinking. They are victims of the clergy and fear; but freedom is in sight."

    Just substitute "Witnesses" for the "Irish"... and "Governing Body" for the "Clergy." History repeating itself.

  • ShadesofGrey

    HAHA Good one Punkofnice!

  • AnnOMaly

    Watchtower 1991 12/1 p. 7

    "The Encyclopædia Universalis is correct when it highlights the importance of truth. A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. The greatest prophet that ever walked on earth stated: 'God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.'-John 4:24."

    Awake! 2003 9/22 pp. 23-24 The Piñata-An Ancient Tradition

    "We found that for many people in Mexico, the piñata has lost its religious significance and is considered by most to be just harmless fun. ...

    ... When considering whether to include a piñata at a social gathering, Christians should be sensitive to the consciences of others. (1 Corinthians 10:31-33) A main concern is, not what the practice meant hundreds of years ago, but how it is viewed today in your area. Understandably, opinions may vary from one place to another. Hence, it is wise to avoid turning such matters into big issues. The Bible says: 'Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person.'-1 Corinthians 10:24."

  • 00DAD

    How come they haven't found that, "for many people" everywhere the celebration of a birthday "has lost it religious significance and is considered by most to be just harmless fun. ..."

    Same could be said about any number of practices which the WTBTS is inconsistent in allowing or forbidding!

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