They're getting soft...

by simon17 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • exwhyzee
    Then I'm going to ask them to read Luke 21;8 and explain how I could ever obey that and join their religion at the same time.

    As far as I can tell it is talking about individuals caliming to be a returned Christ which they don't do...they do however, as we know claim to be Gods chosen people. Am I missing something, what other argument could we make using this scripture?

  • N.drew

    My computer is on the brink. TESTING

  • cedars


    I don't think I'm on any DNC list so I'm looking forward to the next attempt for my salvation. I'm going to offer their poor tired souls a seat on my outdoor furniture . . . and make them a nice hot cup of tea. The tea will require at least 10 min to cool down. Then I'm going to ask them to read Luke 21;8 and explain how I could ever obey that and join their religion at the same time. Then I'm going to calmly listen to what they have to say. Should be a good time for everybody.

    That really made me laugh! Thank you. Perhaps we should design remote-controlled mugs that keep the tea at scalding temperatures for as long as you like. When you feel you have put your point across sufficiently, simply press a button under your chair that allows the temperature of the tea to begin its 10 minute descent towards room temperature, and then the freshly bewildered publishers can drink up, make their excuses and leave. Perfect! I'm not sure why I chuckled so much, but I did.

    On a serious note, I'm pretty sure the behaviour described in the OP isn't typical of the current direction of the Society, so from that perspective NO - they're not getting soft. Judging by the increasingly outrageous statements in the Watchtower, they're getting increasingly fanatical if anything.


  • N.drew

    OK. They will come saying "I am". I am is the true GOD. Jesus is the son. Salvation belongs to the TRUE GOD the I AM. Jesus is the way, truth and life. But now they say they are representing Jesus. They have annointed themselves as the way. So logic says they say Jesus is the I AM. But he is not. Jah is the I AM. Jesus (the one who's name is Jaheshua) The tetragramaton OMG is the oNE to whom Jaheshua is directing us....oh my....

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