They're getting soft...

by simon17 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    sounds like me in my last year I was going door to door. I just HATED IT! If I could get through a morning without someone answering, I was in great shape

  • wannabefree

    When I saw the title of the thread I couldn't help but wonder if it was yet another one of those rampant sex threads ... carry on.

  • Martyn

    I'm developing a presentation for when they visit, I want to work in the whole" lemon party" theme that is the governing body in NY, no one should google that if they don't know what it mean, just don't go the bethel in expecting anything less than full on bath house action.

  • designs

    It would be easier if they just rode down the street and flung rolled up Watchtowers on everyone's Driveway..

  • stillstuckcruz

    Sounds like his heart really ain't in it.

    ^I agree with this. Today I was out in field service, and I met a man who said he was a minsiter and that he already knows "all of these things". I said "so would you be interested in reading these magazines?". He again said..."I already know these things". I said....."have a nice day". Thankfully I was working with a 10 year old so there was no need to fake it at the door. Heart definitely not in it :)

  • Roberta804

    Oh my do you people bring back memories..and I've been out since 1986! I used to insist on going door to door alone because I would pretend to ring the doorbell, stick something in the door and call it a not at home.

  • designs

    Roberta That was fun wasn't it, not having to actually talk to anyone, my placements were through the roof

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I'm on the DNC list!!! I think i got on it before I DA??? Whatever

  • exwhyzee

    I can see the thought bubble over his head as he walked away from your door :

    "The time left has run time to speak....must press on to others who need warning....just do your duty....get your time in .....afterall the magazines will speak for themselves....if they are sheep, the holy spirit will find them....hmm... it's 10:00 wonder if it's break time?"

  • N.drew

    exwhyzee haha!

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