WWI and Beer

by Farkel 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • botchtowersociety

    "War is the health of the State."

    It gives the state an excuse to grow and pass all kinds of restrictions and burdens "temporarily." It is never temporary.

    Oh what a tangled web we weave....

    By the way, looks like Warren "tax me more" Buffet is filing a lawsuit against the IRS.


    NetJets, a unit of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Inc., this week sued the Internal Revenue Service over what it called an "illegal" $643 million tax assessment.

    The IRS had determined that NetJets had failed to collect a "ticket tax" from its customers—the same tax that's paid by passengers every time they fly on a commercial flight.


    "The IRS's assessments in this case improperly extend application of the ticket tax beyond commercial airline and charter passengers, to persons who own the aircraft on which they fly," the company said in the suit.

    NetJets also claimed that the IRS hadn't attempted to assess such taxes on rival fractional-jet businesses, placing the company "at a significant disadvantage."

  • moshe
    Side note: the Federal Income Tax was ratified in 1913 and was justified to support our effort in WWI.

    The Federal excise tax on booze made up a huge percentage of the federal budget, so it was understood that before prohibition could be enacted, an alternate souce of tax revenue for the government would need to be implemented. 20 years later we had the booze tax back and income taxes never went away.

  • Farkel


    You said:

    : That wouldn't be so bad but then you lambaste pig for daring to mention Churchill as being irrelevant to the topic!

    Well, yeah, I did that. What grade-school did you attend, anyway? Did you learn any history at all? Were you dropped as a baby?

    Churchill had nearly NOTHING to do with WWI. He probably had NOTHING AT ALL insofar as influence during WWI.

    Yeah. I will still continue to claim that Churchill was pretty much irellevant during WWI.

    If you have evidence to the contrary, then please feel free to provide it.'

    This thread's topic is about the racism and xenophobia against Germans who became Americans around the time of WWI. Yet you, in your infinite wisdom decided to defend an idiot who introduced the great Winston Churchhill into this thread, an idiot who is obviously as clueless about history as you are.

    If you were just a fool, it would not be a big deal for me. But you are fool defending another clueless fool, you fool.


  • moshe
    I KNEW I'm no longer relevant on this board as I was in days of yore.

    getting old sucks-- but it's really bad but at the Bethel infirmary- count your blessings Farkel.

  • botchtowersociety
    I KNEW I'm no longer relevant on this board as I was in days of yore.

    Don't go away Farkel, you have lots of fans here.


  • cyberjesus

    In only 20 minutes this thread topic is 3 pages back.

    I KNEW I'm no longer relevant on this board as I was in days of yore

    Your comments are so far off-topic they belong in another universe

    The position of the thread has nothing to do with how relevant you are. It has to do with the number of threads other people bring up and comment.

    Besides a thread titled "WWI and Beer" is a Religious Forum is not necessarily what people come here to talk.... I bet things would be different if you posted it in an American History Forum..... just saying

    Perhaps the topic is so far off-board :-)

  • hotspur


    Churchill had nearly NOTHING to do with WWI. He probably had NOTHING AT ALL insofar as influence during WWI.
    Yeah. I will still continue to claim that Churchill was pretty much irellevant during WWI.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill Read section on "Military history ~ Western Front"

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Gallipoli Read section "Decision to Attack" (As an interesting aside Churchill is reported to have thought that the Gallipoli Campaign may have accelerated the genocide of the Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire during 1915)

    I would hardly descibe someone who had the rank of "First Lord of the Admirality" in 1914 as "irellevant" (sic). You should also bring to mind that Churchill's decision to invade Norway during the early part of WWII (that, too,was considered a failure) based upon his strategy he proposed and actioned for Gallipoli.

    I'm so glad my low grade history classes were higher than yours! Oh, and I still maintain "Beer and WWI" is a long way from xenophobia and racism... which, if you care to re-read what pig wrote was a natural progression of your very own (now) declared agenda of "racism and xenophobia". In fact, pig's opinion of Churchill being evil has a certain gravitas if care to read the history. Whether that was based upon racism or xenophobia I care not to debate.

    I maybe a fool - clueless I am not. I'm also not intent on making you an enemy. As I said earlier, I enjoy your thoughts and I have not intimated anything to the contrary.

    I repeat, "you having a bad day or summat?"

  • MrFreeze

    I am very interested in beer.


    I like Farkel Threads and ..



  • moshe

    who do you think said this 10 years ago?

    To see a seriously researched and well-thought-out post get put on the back pages of your board because some idiot hogs the board with a subject like "potato chips are demonized and here's why" or other such nonsense is a shame.

    Thank goodness, we know that beer topics are OK

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