The Crime that is never punished

by Terry 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Yes, it isn't the SIN that bothers the elite Governing Body or the elder stooges who enforce police work in the Kingdom Hall. It is something else entirely.

    Otherwise, ALL sins would be equally bad and equally enforced.

    The sins which the ruling elite are most guilty of threaten their own grasp on a tenuous mental fiction about themselves. They lash out in all directions to wipe out the proof they are only weak, sinful, impotent humans.

    I'll give a context to this by comparing the Arab view of Judaism with Israel in modern times.

    Arab Muslims absolutely believe Allah is the only true God who blesses them above all others for their own piety.

    Yet, Modern Israel has established a structure in which a democratic government thrives, an educational system flourishes, men and women pursue equality with equal vigor and opportunity rewards those who work hard to achieve.

    The vast gulf between the BELIEF of Arab Muslims and the REALITY of Israel as a nation COMPARED TO THE FECKLESS condition of Arab society serves as an unacceptable DISPROOF!

    So, the Arabs, instead of improving their own lives, lash out and hate and foment destruction of the PROOF which threatens their own self-image.

    So, too with JWs.

  • N.drew
    ALL sins would be equally bad and equally enforced

    This is the truth. They do not proceed this way. This is the reason I woke up. That is why the foundation of them is not Christ.

  • james_woods
    Does anybody know of just one instance where anybody has been disfellowshipped for these?

    I knew of one case where a person was DFd for gluttony. It was a very weird case: the original charge was alcoholism, but there did not seem to be enough evidence to make that charge stick (a couple of the committee members had to admit later that they drank about as much as the woman in question admitted to).

    So, after questioning some members of the woman's extended JW family (who were her lifelong enemies), the charge of gluttony was added. And she was DFd. She was the mother of one of my JW girlfriends - and just for the record, this woman was not even fat. The real reason for the DFing was that she had pissed off a member of the committee and would not back down.

    It was a little like the weird resolution of the homosexuality scandal in Bethel in the 1970s - most of the people DFd were said to be DFd for "covetousness" instead of homosexual immorality - it was thought that this was to minimize the scandal. Which it, of course, did not.

  • PrincessCynic

    Oh dear, I get a bit opinionated when I get started on this subject.

    I have a JW relative who has had multiple strokes, heart attacks, a triple heart bypass and has recently been diagnosed with diabetes. He has been told not to eat salt, sugar or fatty foods. He interprets that to mean only one packet of crisps a day, rich tea biscuits have less sugar so they can be eaten by the packet and cakes are healthy if they contain raisins. To be fair, he does have the IQ of a crane fly but even when I try to explain that these foods are bad and that he is killing himself, he doesn't want to know. He is also a MS. One time I bought a cake and took it round (there were 6 other people there, the cake wasn't for him) and watched in disbelief as he scoffed SEVEN slices.

    My issue is, how is that ANY different to sitting there chain smoking? Everyone would have been shocked and protested if he was smoking but only because the org makes a big deal out of it. I know people who have been DFd for smoking but if I went to the elders and reported someone over-eating to the point of showing disrespect for the gift of life I would be laughed out of the KH. Extreme sports are banned but it's heart disease that is the biggest killer in the western world.

    I'm certainly not advocating that the elders have more control over the R&F but it's got to be all or nothing. The hypocrisy makes my blood boil. Especially as the bible say NOTHING about smoking but condemns gluttony.

    Personally I see smoking/drugs/eating disorders as a disease that needs to be treated. People need help to recognise that they have a problem then be given all the support they need to recover. Shunning is not the answer.

    I have another JW relative who's an absolute glutton, especially if someone else is paying for the food. He openly says that it's because we're not allowed any other pleasures in life as witlesses. Which shows he's following the org (which has a liberal attitude toward gluttony) but not the bible (which condemns it).

    Ok, rant over.

    P.s. I have similar opinions about sunbeds

  • GOrwell

    N.Drew - on the bright side, that family probably has the toughest immune system this side of a germ ward :)

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More
    She got bigger still, got diabetes, had bits amputated etc.
    She is still, I can't say in good standing,

    Wobble, that was just so damned funny!

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    If I smoked 4 cigars a year one at Christmas one at New Year one on my birthday and one in the Kingdom Hall car park would they kick me out?

    Incidentally I'm not in but suppose I was.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    You are right Terry I never understood the inconsistancy and I could not understand how someone who was maybe very very wicked and not baptised could in fact be embraced and made to feel welcome just because they were a bible study and went to the meetings when someone who was up standing but objected to a Watchtower doctrine could get the boot.

  • N.drew
    If I smoked 4 cigars a year one at Christmas one at New Year one on my birthday and one in the Kingdom Hall car park would they kick me out?

    It would depend on you field service report.

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes


    Thanks I must remember to fill it out accurately with plenty of hours on it if I ever lose my marbles and return.

    I suppose big money donations will do the trick as well.

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