The Crime that is never punished

by Terry 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    GLUTTONY is listed among the bible's "shunnable" crimes in the christian congregation.

    GREED is a dandy one, too.

    1 Cor 5:11-13 says,(NWT)

    For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do you not judge those inside, while God judges those outside? "Remove the wicked man from among yourselves.""

    Does anybody know of just one instance where anybody has been disfellowshipped for these?

    If not, WHY WHY WHY??

  • N.drew

    Disgusting in their filth is another one that doesn't get top billing.

  • NewChapter

    Nope. I even knew a sister that was afraid she was guilty of gluttony. She went to the elders and they just brushed it all off.


  • designs

    Eating disorders are very complex. I knew several Witnesses who had life threatening eating disorders, food hidden in the house and outside, little stashes everywhere like hiding a bottle of liquor. A few died from the consequences like diabetes and heart disease. If you go to Meetings and Out In Service or are a Pioneer chances are you will not be 'counseled'. Like alcohol, food is one of the remaining vices to enjoy as a JW and gets little mention and more importantly can you think of more than a handful of Elders who would be even remotely qualified to counsel someone on anything (no training).

  • N.drew

    I shall qualify that, hell, why the hell not? There was a family of JWs in the south. They collected animals and filth. They were the two parents and the two children, old enough to help they were.

    They all had the excuse they were mental.

    But how hard is it to pick up shit off the floor?

    Disgusting means to make ill, I might be wrong about that.

    There was a sister who ..... she arranged a cleaning crew. One of the crew was me.

    There were roaches in the broad day light. Not the fun kind of big roaches that the south has. These were the small kind that carry disease. I don't remember much about the day, but the sister who arranged the cleaning day (for to bring more glory to Jehovah) came down with some kind of sickness soon after, that landed her in the hospital. I did not say or hear that is was the filth that landed her there, but I have my suspicions....

  • N.drew

    Food, not filth got ya.

    I do not know of anyone disfellowshipped for that. (how would we know?). Fat is not nec. connected to gluttony. I just know, I don't know how. Many times I eat gluttonisly. Like a grisley bear, just kidding, about the bear, not the eating. I can eat a whole bag of popcorn, a half of pizza (now a days be sure to ask for less cheese, try it it's much better, but that's just me), and cake in the same day. Isn't that gluttony? Yes, it is. Good thing I don't give a ...... no pun intended.

  • designs

    What if you lacked the mechanisms that connect the stomach to the brain that signal hunger and being full, how would reading a scripture even begin to address that.

  • Terry

    I just think it is very interesting what is enforced and what is ignored.

    I don't think it is for nothing these "crimes" escape scrutiny.

  • clarity

    Terry ... well, food does alter moods and thinking.

    Makes ya really sleeeeeeepy!

    A little like being in a coma. Remember those turkey dinners?

    When the focus is on food ... it's not on research & questions.

    As you get fatter..... you lose energy, motivation and control.

    Watchtower doesn't mind at all. They like it!

    Now it's easier to leave all the decisions to them.


  • moshe

    Even a 500lb JW can go door to door- driving a power scooter/chair. Of course, the obese JW will die early, but that's no problem- they'll get a resurrection! Can't work because you are morbidly obese?- well, caesar will pay you disablity to stay home- giving you even more time to , pioneer! See how Jehovah answers prayers?

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