A different kind of "trip".

by LoneWolf 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • watersprout

    Wasps! *shudders* I HATE wasps! They always attack me, we have loads in the summer and I cannot open my windows as I have them invade my home... Hate them! They have spiteful faces and long thin bodies! EVIL! Not like the fabulous bumble bee! I looooovvvvvvveeeeee bumble bees! They are all round and chubby and buzz about happily collecting nector.

    What is the purpose of wasps?? Except to sting and chase me around the house!


  • talesin

    What cool way to make a living! And the whole family. Well, that just doesn't surprise me, from reading your previous threads. :D

    We have yellowjackets here,, they hang around the pine woods a lot, and LOVE to join us for picnics. :D I remember, it used to freak my mom out, as she is allergic to venom (me, too, but I think they smell fear, so I just leave 'em be, and haven't been stung *knock wood* since I was 12).


  • talesin

    Oh forgot to mention .... I was at my frend's place the other day, and we had the door to the balcony open. This HUGE wasp came in and was nosing around the ceilings. I kept a close eye, and told him,,, that is a queen looking to build a winter home--- I wanna make sure she EXITS before we shut the door!

    Thanks for confirming my suspicions. SHe was black, and about 1 1/2 to 2 " long -- biggest one I've seen in a loooong time.


  • Qcmbr

    Wow - awesome pics and a scary job!

  • aquagirl

    I love this thread! Thanks!!!!!

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    In the Awake! February 2012 issue, page 21, there is an article on paper wasps.

    Did you contribute to that particular segment by any chance?

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