How did plants survive the Flood?

by dgp 81 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • undercover

    Well, if the raptors were eating all the people, why was there any need for a flood???

    See... you need to quit watching Spielburg movie for your historical information.

    All the animals, including raptors and all the 'rexes from A to T, ate plants. Granted some of em ate big plants, that's why the big teeth. They were eating the big trees that man needed to build cabins. They had to go.

    And if I write myself into a corner, I'll just pull a J.K. Rowling and invent a charm to get myself out of it...

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    BTW, I put more stock in a Ricky Gervais stand up routine than in ANYTHING from

  • Cagefighter

    The article was written by two PHD holders, one in Biology the other in Physical Chemistry. The absolute truth is none of us KNOW the absolute answer on HOW PLANTS SURVIVED THE FLOOD. Which is the original question. I am not lobbying for a belief in the literal account. My belief or partial belief is based on my entire experience as a human and take a lot of things this little box can not hold.

    The question asked for theories on the How Plants would survive a world wide flood. I provided them, while others just attacked each other and their beliefs. Maybe the original poster should have asked another question like "How does any one believe the Flood account?", or maybe the question was a Red Herring in the first place.

  • talesin

    lol @ Mad .... me, too! and tx for the Ricky Gervais ... I lurvs him


  • talesin

    The absolute truth is none of us KNOW the absolute answer on HOW PLANTS SURVIVED THE FLOOD.

    Ummm, actually, the absolute truth is that none of us KNOW that there was a Biblical flood!!!!



  • talesin

    oops,,, sorry, Cage!

    I see, upon further reading, that you already said that.


  • ShadesofGrey

    You've got to be kidding. Secular science tells us that animals migrate by floating on rafts of vegetation and no one has any trouble believing that.

    Sorry, I only read the last few posts.

  • dgp

    Would anyone know how saltwater fish survived? They are just *NOT* designed (by their intelligent designer, if there was one) to survive in freshwater. It's a matter of how their entire bodies function, specially their kidneys.

    Seeds can survive in dormant state for long. I don't think they can survive soaked in water for a year. When I was a kid, we were taught about germination with a small glass jar, some cotton balls, water and beans. I don't remember how quick germination was, but beans were quick enough to germinate for little schoolchildren not to lose heart and wait. What substrate would these plants have in that case?

    Even if seeds had survived that year, for how long would Noah have had to wait before those plants could germinate and grow to the point where they could sustain Noah and the animals, with a surplus for future growth? If we assumed that to actually happen, then pests need also be assumed to have been patient and NOT eat what they eat for a living. Everyone was on rationed food!

    What about plants whose seeds need to pass through the digestive tract of animals before they can germinate? I'm not making this up (

    What about watermelons? The seeds are inside of the fruit. The fruit will rot in a matter of weeks. The seeds cannot last one year after that. How did watermelons make it?

    What about mangoes, dates, apples, grapes, plums, peaches, oranges, lemons, papayas, kiwifruits?

    What about plants that reproduce through runners, such as strawberries?

  • ShadesofGrey

    I am not hear to convince anyone of anything... if you want to look into it more you can.

    The sea was likely much less salty before the flood. Fish actually have adapted to salinity quite a bit, as evidence by real time experience and the fact that every major taxonomical group has a freshwater and saltwater counterpart.

    Evolution has occurred since the flood, in both plants and animals, so questions like strawberries (which Noah could have conceivably had aboard the ark) would fall into that category.

    Not everyone who believes in a literal world-wide flood believes that Dinos were veggies before the flood, and the majority do not think that the flood actually killed the dinos. The Bible doesn't say that God chose some animal groups to be destroyed.

  • Cagefighter

    Dgp, I am not going to respond any more. I have posted links to several articles with well thought out arguments by scientest about how it could have happened, many addressing your points specifically. It's up to the reader to buy it or not. If your just trying to say you don't believe there was a flood and the bible is a crock than just say it. It's not my job to convince anyone of anything.

    Beginning to wonder if you were really looking for theories or just trying to voice something else?

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