Is the "Watchtower Study" = Question and answer a form of brainwashing??

by Witness 007 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • designs

    Its leanring by Rote. When was the last time you heard someone from the audience ask a question.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    A person visiting my aunt's congregation was not schooled in JW etiquette. He asked a question and all hell broke loose. One would think you could ask a question during a question and answer session. If people could question and flesh out a doctrine, KH meetings might serve a purpose.

    Has anyone ever given an incorrect answer? What would happen?

  • Ding

    I heard a person give a nonresponsive answer. It wasn't a provocative or "apostate" answer. They just ignored them, called on someone else, and praised that person for giving the right answer.

  • Jeffro

    I remember a 'book study', probably about 10 years ago now, where a teenager dared to ask a question during the 'study'. He got the stare of death from about two thirds of the group.

  • InterestedOne

    I imagine if you asked a question or said something that disagreed with the paragraph, the study conductor would not call on you again. Just a gut feeling. If I am correct, then since people are only allowed to say things that are either directly from the paragraph or close to it, I would think after a year of this repetition, people would internalize it. It would become part of how they speak and think. I have observed this result in my two JW acquaintances. Speaking with them sounds like I am listening to a recording of a Watchtower magazine.

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    Oh dear, well if that is what is considered brainwashing these days, then Teary really must have no hope in school, considering that most of his teachers teach in a similar manner.

    The Land Law II instructor in particular, mainly assigns the study guide questions that go along with the book, wherein the student takes in the question, reads the textbook chapter, and then finds/highlights the answer from the material in that chapter. Truly that professor is a far, far more evil man than Teary ever realized

    p.s., brainwashing theories lost all serious consideration clear back in the 80's. Even the American Psychological Association calls it junk science.

  • Alfred

    Teary... what about persistent cohersion and mental manipulation? Are these "junk sciences" as well?

    By the way, the American Psychological Association has determined that people who refer to themselves in the third person are arrogant, self-absorbed and insecure... do you know anyone who refers to themselves in the third person? just asking...

  • flipper

    WITNESS 007- Of course it's brainwashing & mind control . Do chickens lay eggs ? Is Ted Jaracz dead ? Was Fred Franz weird ? Did Steve Hassan write " Combatting Cult Mind Control " ? Yep, it's a form of brainwashing

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    The term "brainwashing" is more or less a folk psychology term that doesn't carry much weight.

    However, the use of thought reform and propaganda techniques is well recognized and used all of the time, by far larger players than the WTBTS.

    As far as school, there is a difference between instruction and indoctrination, especially in higher ed.

    Real critical thinking skills are imperative if you want to get the most out of your education. Real critical thinking skills are viewed as practically Satanic within the framework of indoctrination/thought reform. This is what Breakfast of Champions thinks. Yes, thinks this he does....

  • InterestedOne

    Hmm, so Teary is equating the Watchtower study to taking a class. In his comparison, the Watchtower magazine is the textbook, the KH is the classroom, the study coordinator is the professor, and the people in the congregation are the students. Anyone have any thoughts on this comparison?

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