I don't believe there is a heaven...

by Snoozy 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Neon Bible
    Neon Bible

    The ONLY ones who wrote about Jesus were his faithful and close followers who chose to write about "the son of GOD" at least 30 to 50 years after he died. Not one single Roman or any other non-Jew who were witnesses to his acts and "miracles" and who WERE literate wrote a single word which has been discovered wrote about him.

    Actualy Paul was a Roman solider and he wrote 13 books.

    John 4:48 "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me."

  • Farkel

    Neon Bible,

    : Actualy Paul was a Roman solider and he wrote 13 books.

    Yep. And that alone speaks volumes: the guy who wrote the most books in the NT didn't even meet the guy Jesus. Yeah. That really makes HIM an expert on the subject, huh?


  • Snoozy

    Thanks all, I love a sense of humor..

    I saw a really moving film tonight about the book of Revelation and other bible prophecies..how currency would become the same all over the world..and eventually we would have one leader..how people would disappear..and others would be left standing. It was pretty spooky..I think spooky because it all fit in with the bible..course it's hard to believe a book that has changed it's mind/words so much over the ages that many times even the authors didn't believe it...

    So I am back to square one but I will be watching part 2 next Sat night....


    ps..the movie had Kirk Cameron in it and the name of it was "Left Behind".

  • Neon Bible
    Neon Bible

    Farkel, I know exactly where you are coming from. Its is hard to take the Gospel on word alone as true and as an actual historical event without having hard evidence.

    I don't see how books written by Jesus's closest followers or by someone he never met discounts it though. Would any writings make you think it was more than a myth or are you just looking for more scientific evidence such as artifacts, or other secular historical records for hard proof?

    Snoozy, in Farkels defenseā€¦if you are talking about the History Channel, they tend to hype things up and sensationalize topics that don't always hold much weight. Specifically I am thinking of all the 2012 Myan/nostradamus predictions that are really distorted.

    What I can not deny is the accuracy of Bible Prophesy. It is accurate 100% of the time, and that is astonishing. Unless you deny a true messiah was born, put to death and resurrected on the third day, 99%. And some of the prophecies are not even known until after they occur so they are not just self fulfilling.

  • Snoozy

    Neon, this was on a local religious channel.. I took it with a grain of salt as usual..but it was pretty convincing as several of the things mentioned I have heard discussed before. Just arroused my curiousity. Which is a pretty hard thing to do..


  • thetrueone

    In ancient mythology, there were many stories told of what deities were to do and offer people who directly worshiped them.

    Heaven as described in the bible is just one of these stories, coming out of one tribal belief system.

  • ziddina
    "I don't believe there is a heaven..."

    Me neither!!!

    Once I figured out that there is no 'hell' - can't be, since the center of the earth is NOT hollow; the pressure just continues to increase as the depth increases - and if you think that the pressure at the bottom of the Marianas TRENCH is bad, try going a mile deep with ROCK pressing down on you, instead of water...

    If "Satan" does exist, he must be very, very flat....

    Anyway, as Farkel said, we won't know until we've come to the end of our existences.

    But I AM hoping that I can become a ghost...

    I would have SUCH fun!!!


  • Farkel

    Neon Bible,

    :I don't see how books written by Jesus's closest followers or by someone he never met discounts it though. Would any writings make you think it was more than a myth or are you just looking for more scientific evidence such as artifacts, or other secular historical records for hard proof?

    No, and no.

    If God gave a shit about us, why would He would give us a stupid book that people have murdered millions and millions of other people over because the murderers believe that the book says one thing and the murderees believe it says another thing?

    A Real God would be much clearer about what He wanted His children to do, and not do, and Bible God(tm) doesn't pass that or any other rational muster. Bible God(tm) can go fuck himself. He is an arrogant, selfish, vindictive, genocidal and pathological serial killer who makes bets with the Devil on guys like Job and loves it when idiots keep making excuses for his wickedness and vile deeds.

    Geeeesh! Get a new God! Bible God(tm) is a piece of shit God!


  • Neon Bible
    Neon Bible

    Farkel, I used to think the same exact way that you do and can really relate.

    1. If you were to be presented with undeniable scientific and historical evidence and still choose to ignore it, that would just be intellectually dishonest. If you have a pre decided bias, that would go against the scientific method and any objective thinking.

    2. Regarding God being a Murder... First your numbers of "Millions and Millions" is not accurate for representing the occasions when God commissioned His people to carry out judgment on corrupt and degenerate heathen nations through the profits of Israel in the Old testament. Only under extreme conditions was a war ever sanctioned and not after many years of warnings. God does not like the death of anyone but life and preservation of good from the destruction and corruption of evil. The wicked and corrupt people who would have destroyed and pillaged any and all law abiding citizens remaining in the world, the very ones with any good or preservation of morality remaining. God said he would spare a city if their was just one righteous man. So let us be that one righteous man. I would have to argue that a God that was not just and who would let such wickedness and suffering triumph over love, kindness and morality would be a God who did not care about us.

    We know that war is the result of sin(or what you may define as evil in your own terms) and that it is essentially wrong or evil, but what should be our response when a nation like Germany (in WWII) rapes, pillages, and plunders another nation for profit or genocide? I think that Gleason L. Archer expresses the argument well:

    "How could God be called 'good' if He forbade His people to protect their wives from ravishment and strangulation by drunken marauders, or to resist invaders who have come to pick up their children and dash out their brains against the wall? No policy would give freer rein to wickedness and crime than a complete surrender of the right of self-defense on the part of the law-abiding members of society. No more effective way of promoting the cause of Satan and the powers of hell could be devised than depriving law-abiding citizens of all right of self-defense. It is hard to imagine how any deity could be thought 'good' who would ordain such a policy of supine surrender to evil as that advocated by pacifism. All possibility of an ordered society would be removed on the abolition of any sort of police force. No nation could retain its liberty or preserve the lives of its citizens if it were prevented from maintaining any sort of army for its defense. It is therefore incumbent on a 'good God' to include the right of self-defense as the prerogative of His people. He would not be good at all if He were to turn the world over to the horrors of unbridled cruelty perpetrated by violent and bloody criminals or the unchecked aggression of invading armies."

  • JAFO

    * Adds Neon Bible to list of fools to ignore *

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