An Old Argument.... does it hold water?

by AK - Jeff 1495 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Qcmbr

    NDrew - is this a puzzle and we have to solve the cryptic clues to win the prize?

  • AGuest

    If you got to a book to get the name of God... and/or the name of His Son... rather than going TO God... by going TO and THROUGH that Son... you get... what you get. What the publishers WANT you to get. Like "Jehovah." Even so, virtually every Bible version tells you what God's name IS... at Psalm 68:4 (or, if it says "The LORD", look up the Hebrew). Given HIS name... there should be no confusion that His Son's name... which Son and name GLORIFIES God... and glorifies THE NAME of God... would INLCUDE that name.

    C'mon... THINK, dear ones! For once THINK. YOURSELVES. FOR yourselves. USE the faculties... the THINKING abilities... if not the HOLY SPIRIT... that you possess! If you cannot rely on holy spirit (though I cannot fathom why that would not be!)... then use your MENTAL capacities!

    EVERY name of EVERY person in the Bible... has a MEANING, an etymology! EVERY name... including "JHVH". It MEANS something.

    What, then, does the name "Jesus" MEAN? What is its ORIGIN and MEANING? Once you know that you will know that it CAN'T be the true name of the Son of God.

    If you want to stick to "Jesus," so be it. I am NOT your judge - I am your servant and BOUND to speak, tell, and share the truth TO you and WITH you. BOUND. MY life depends on my speaking truth to YOU. I did not make up the name I recieved... nor did I make up the circumstances underlying the origin of one you may use. I did NOT.

    But CHOOSE... for yourselves. You DON'T have to take my word for it. Never have. You can go and ask for yourselves; indeed, I EXHORT you to do so. And then, put FAITH in what you HEAR.

    Again, peace to you... and please... forgive my zeal, here; I am not yelling but the Spirit is VERY operative in me right now as to this matter. Thus, out MY heart's abundance... I have [spoken] to you. Just as I received it.

    Servant to the Household of God, Israel... all those who go with... and a slave of Christ, JAHESHUA, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, who is the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah), the MOST Holy One of Israel,


  • bohm

    Aguest: I did not make up the name I recieved...

    There is overwhelming evidence you did.

    You DON'T have to take my word for it. Never have. You can go and ask for yourselves; indeed, I EXHORT you to do so. And then, put FAITH in what you HEAR.

    Do you wonder why even those who does not disagree with you openly never hear the voices you do? Once again, evidence that it all happends inside your head.

    MY life depends on my speaking truth to YOU.

    I am sorry you feel that way, but most people who suffer from voices and delusions can be helped. your life does not depend on you following the voices in your head, you need to keep that in mind if you feel you fail to comply to their commands.

    I am not yelling but the Spirit is VERY operative in me right now as to this matter.

    Proper medication will help you. Seek help!

    to those who "support" Aguest: do you really think you are helping Aguest by feeding into her delusions? I understand you do not like the way some atheists (me included) disagree with her, but I really think it would help if more told her to seek medical attention, or at least told her the voices she hear and which tell her to do things (apparently in such a way her life depends on it) are not likely to be Jesus or God.


  • tec

    Okay, I've missed a lot in the last few pages, and I'm going to take the time to read, rather than skim through... but THIS:

    She says that HE revealed this name to her, and knowing that tells me that He must have been answering her prayers before she knew this name. Just as He has answered mine.

    Shades, that was positively SUBLIME!!!

    But some see and hear only what they want to see and hear, and those people won't see the truth or point in what you just said.

    Peace, and brb...s (be right back...soonish)


  • Qcmbr

    So what you mean by think is stop relying on intelligence, critical thinking, logic and rationality and humbly listen to your cornucopia of crazy? No ta.

    Oo Tec this slam was for AG - you're exempt this one :D

  • tec

    She is against atheists, I get that. But she's also against those who call upon Jesus and yet they go on defending her as if she is a harmless amusing schizophrenic.

    This is why it is so hard to listen to what you have to say. YOU are not listening to anything we have to say. You are simply inserting your own opinion, without any evidential backing.

    Shelby has never been against atheists. So I am afraid that you don't GET anything. She might be 'against' atheism, in that she disagrees with it. But against atheists? No. She has only ever said that what you believe or not is your business. She simply shares what she knows to be true.

    And I refer to you Shades SUBIME understanding in my above post, for the second thing you said.

    Peace, Tammy
  • N.drew
    is this a puzzle and we have to solve the cryptic clues to win the prize?

    You are not far from the kingdom of god. Remember the man who sold everything to buy the pearl? Some do recognize that the pearl is a prize.

  • AGuest
    ..does it matter if you pronounce the name wrongly

    Not necessarily, dear Q (again, peace to you!). Depends on your intent. If you are INTENDED to be abusive, as some of you are... it can be blasphemous.

    or is it just the spelling that stops the divine responses ?


    What is the Japanes form of the modern English name of the eternal master of midnight parties?

    Whatever the Japanese form of "Joshua" (the modern English name) is. I can't pronounce it (in English, so as to help you "see") or post the Japanese symbols (my little computer won't accommodate).

    Why , if the name is sooooo critical, is it being revealed to a tiny ( but beautifully formed ) group of largely ex-JWs?

    Who said that? Sorry, but I've had THAT discussion on this board and apparently there are some ex-Catholics, ex-Jewish, ex-Mormon, ex-Muslim, ex-Buddhist, ex-Hindu... and ex a whole lot of other stuff that it has been revealed to as well. You ASSUME it's only us. Why? Oh, that's right: because YOU have never heard/don't know of any others. Because, of course, YOU know everything, about everyone... everywhere. I'd forgotten. My bad...

    I know tv ads are expensive but this is fairly important cosmically speaking ( just a thought).

    As someone of the world, yes, you would think that. Since when, though, has that which related to the Most Holy One of Israel... or His Son... been "concerning" the world... except during the time of Noah? Whether ancient Israel... or first century... the world AROUND them was doing what it does... with no deviation. It will only "concern" the world once again: when it gets to the point of "as with the days of Noah." Until then, it is "concerning" Israel.

    Not only was I insanely lucky enough to be born into the only true religion on the earth I also got to be , by some cosmic miracle, to be part of a forum that was chosen to be the first public unveiling of the most proper name of the Christ.

    Wrong, again: I wasn't born into the only true religion (and if you're speaking of yourself, being born into the WTBTS doesn't qualify, either - they are NOT the only true religion)... and this is not only not the first forum, but not the only forum. Goodness, you're not batting very well at all today, dear one... in your weak attempts to be sarcastic. You really just look... foolish... not smart (as you apparently think you are).

    Just who the heck am I? Someone special by any count. I'm all goose bumps.

    I don't think I have any more clue as to who you are... than you do. Other than to say that you APPEAR to be "Israel" (you know, "contender with God"). Which might make you special, yes, if you also have Abraham's blood... which blood speaks, as well... in you. Maybe that's what the goose bumps are all about: YOUR spirit "bearing witness" to what you just asked/said... even if you don't know WHAT you just asked/said...

    Ah, well...

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Qcmbr

    I cannot compete with your superior intellect and reading ability AG. I am defeated.

  • tec

    Is Tec brave enough to defend Jesus from the assault of AG? AG has blasphemously claimed Jesus is not the son of God, that calling upon his name is the reason why there are no answers and that there is a different claimant to the title of Christ. Will Tec continue to make her bed with the decryer of Christ?

    Shelby has not decried Christ; not once.

    She has decried the Jesus that people go to war for, in his NAME. She has decried people who follow the Jesus who is going to kill, throw people into hell, hates anyone, is unmerciful, etc, etc. Things of that nature. The one who allows people to say that they are mediators between man and God (who apparently is Jesus, and so how can Jesus be the mediator between man and... um... himself) The Jesus who teaches people to shun, to hate, to judge.

    In other words, the false Christ.

    And ah... yeah. Surely you can see the hypocrisy in your above questions directed to me?



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