Were Jesus Christ Alive Today, who would he hang out with?

by HintOfLime 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento
    If someone like a Jesus where around today he could help out in any number of social and environmental causes per his Jewish upbringing.

    As stewards of creation, isn't that OUR Job?

    Should it not be US to fix the mess that we created in society and the environment?

    How would Christ or God or ANYONE else for that matter, fixing our mess acomplish anything other than giving us a "get out of jail free" card?

    I know that many WANT Christ to return and look forward to it and hope it comes sooner than later and to man the reason they give is so the Christ can "fix this world".

    Just like kids when they make a mess and want mom or dad to help them ( ie": do moist of the work for them) because it's "too much".


    These are modern times..Bread and fish wouldn`t cut it at a Jesus gathering..

    Jesus would serve Starbucks and KFC..

    Jesus would hang out with Colonel Sanders and wear Cool Shades..


    mutley-ani1.gif image by GeneralWaco...OUTLAW


    There would be Dancing at a Jesus Party..

    "Jesus would have the Moves like Jagger"

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    Funny story....... years ago placing "The Greatest Man who ever Lived" Book.... door to door. My father asked this kind of -burnout looking guy- "Who do you think the greatest man who ever lived is"? he said "Axl Rose" ... no other comment. he of course is the lead singer of Guns and Roses. My dad in his 70s then, looks at me with that "WTF" look "who"???

    "never mind I'll tell you later" Still one of all time funniest stories of field service to me.

    To Answer to your question: Humble people that aren't judgemental.

    PSacramento I like your answer, wish he let me in!

  • undercover
    Were Jesus Christ Alive Today, who would he hang out with?

    Actually, a better question would be, "Were Jesus Christ alive today, who would he 'friend' on Facebook?"

    Wouldn't that be cool....to have Jesus "like" it when you post photos from your drunken behavior from the night before? Or even to have him say "Happy Birthday".

  • PSacramento

    I posted this on another thread and feel itis appropriate here ;)

    Unbeknowst to most, Jesus was really a Shaolin Monk, trained in the ancient art of Tang Lang Gung Fu ( Praying mantis for those that don't habla), He taught this most ancient and dealy art to his followers who became reknown for their MA prowess !!

    The most famed were:

    Peter "Iron Crotch" Simon and the Brothers James "thunder kick" Zebedee and John "Bitch Slap" Zebedee !

    It was widely rumoured that two others were taught the ancient art via mystic revelation from Christ ( Christ means Mantis in Ancient gibberish) and they were Paul "The Gentile crusher" Taurus and James "Crotch snipper" Son of Joesph ( rumoured to be the brother of Jesus).

    Jesus was put to death for saying that his kung fu was stronger than the kung fu of the locals - supposedly the Roman authorites were mislead by Hebrew Ninjas into believing the Christ was thinking of an open reblion using this more deadly of arts !

    Many centuries past and the art spread through out the area, its practioners we reknown for their lack of fear, their ability to use a staff called "the cross" and the use of flat bread as a projectile weapon ! ( inner teachings of this sect say that Christs chi endows this flat bread with mystical qualities !).

    While they did their best to keep this secret art hidden, eventually the Romans found out and after using 12 masters of the inner circle to defeat an army on the battlefield, the emperor Contstantine made this system of hand-to-hand combat the national fighting system in the Roman Empire !!

    Much to the sorrow of the obsolete gladiator class !

  • designs

    I'd invite him along on one of our River and Ocean cleanup projects. Hand him tools and gloves, he could pitch right in.

  • cantleave

    No idea but I bet he would avoid James Randi would challemge the legitimacy of his "supernatural" powers.

  • designs


    Walking on Water would have come in very handy Saturday, there was debris up in the Lagoon and we aren't suppose to walk in the Lagoon because it is a Nature Reserve and I thought- who do I know that hmmmm

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Well if it were true I think he would have to keep a low profile being millions of people are mad at him. So I think he'd come to my town.... nothing is here!! So he'd hang out with me, make some wine... I'll tell you all about it

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