If I only had known ...

by Dudu 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mrsjones5

    She said extra protection, what do you think that means PP? And I think it's very responsible, adult and down right smart of DuDu to go out and get extra protection. I don't get why you think she's being naive.

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    My naive comment was based on the fact that she started a thread proclaiming how happy she was that she gave her virginity to guy she only known for 4 months, and one week after she started a thread asking if she should break up with this guy because he now spends all his time having sex with other women hanging out with his friends. It's no coincidence that shortly after she "let him hit it" he's starts to treat her differently.

  • mrsjones5

    From what I understand we're talking about a 28 year old woman who recently left the bOrg and in now dating out in the world. Because of her late start she seems to be a bit stunted (sexually) as far as where she should be as a 28 year old woman in the dating world. She's a bit behind but I'm not going to judge her on that. There's too many folks (some a tad older than DD) who have gone through similar and have expressed as much on this board. And their coming here and asking for advice and support helps them, the judging does not. So PP instead of being a judgmental prick do you have anything constructive to add to this thread? From what I've seen from you you apparently don't.

  • JimmyPage

    You go, girl!

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos


    I wasn't being judgmental, I was being real. This guy is clearly just using her for sex. My telling her the truth is much more helpful than you sugar coding everything and allowing her to continue to be taken advantage of. It would be in her best interest to wait until she meets someone who loves her and that's not going to change as soon as they have sex. She's getting off to a really bad start in her dating life and continuing to have sex with men after a few months of knowing them will only make things much worse. Also condoms do not protect against Herpes, so by encouraging this woman to continue her risky behavior you are setting her up to fall. She has nothing to lose from waiting until marriage and everything to lose by risking her health.

  • WTWizard

    I will add one suggestion: Magnesium. If you live in North America, there is roughly a 85% chance you are deficient, and a deficiency can (among other things) cause these kinds of cramps. And, it might reduce your usage of pain pills by eliminating some of the problem at the source, or reducing it so you can live with it or take fewer pain pills for it.

  • JRK


    You were being judgemental as hell. And it also appears you have some sort of fixation on the OP of this thread. Do not stalk her on threads she starts, or I will alert the moderators.


  • deep-blue-sea

    Hi everybody,

    I would like to contribute in a constructive way to the problem expressed by Dudu: they just kept saying,, is normal to have pain during the period...

    Only these recent years it has been recognised this problem and defined as: Endometriosis , you will find more informations here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endometriosis

    I can tell you that this is a serious problem that tends to repeats itself. Unfortunately, my daughters suffers of this problem. One o f them had to pass through surgery TWICE because she had endometriosis on the bladder, and had to be taken a piece of the bladder away. Fortunately, despite the problem, she was able to have a child... of whom we are so happy!

    It is recent the problem as far as my second daughter is concerned. She started to have lots of pain during her 'period' these last months, till the last time a few weeks ago, to the point she had to go to the hospital with an ambulance since she could not move.

    The ENDOMETRIOSIS has been discovered on ovaries and behind the uterus, despite the fact that almost a year ago she asked her gynecologist (the same for her sister too) to check if there was endometriosis, since her sister had suffered of it. He didn't find any at the time. So in a few months it has developed causing lots of pain. We hope that the problem will not affect her fertility.

    So, ask your gynecologist to check because the ENDOMETRIOSIS could affect different organs causing lots of damages.

    Take care, Regards,


  • cyberjesus

    pp she did not ask your advice aka judgement......

  • Dudu

    Hi guys! thank you all for your comments ... @claudia thanks for the advise, I had all the tests including those for ovaries to find endometriosis and everything is fine, that was why doctors kept telling me it was normal to have pain coz all the tests i went through went right.

    @pp She's getting off to a really bad start in her dating life and continuing to have sex with men after a few months of knowing them will only make things much worse. thanks for your concern, but really isnt neccessary :) Besides, darling you dont know me AT ALL only few threads about small details give you the right to judge a relationship/personality? uuffff darling you are a way bit judgemental.

    @mrsjones thanks for your words and advise, as usual ....

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