Has The World Ended & No One Told Me ........As I Have Been The Only One Here For The Last Hour LOL

by finallysomepride 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • ziddina



    Don't let the little monst- er, I mean, sweetheart - out of your sight again!!

    My brats are pis - er, upset - that there's snow and cold and I'm NOT letting them out...

    Tuff... With this cold weather setting in, the birds and squirrels need a clear shot at the back yard bird feeder, without some fat spoiled cat-brat stalking them...

    It sure is great that your little baby's back home!!

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Little brat.....er...sweetheart...has been walking aroung the house all night meowing in an angry tone of meow...like it was my fault she got herself lost....LOL

    Woke up this morning to lick...lick....bite bite scratch...scratch....kick...scratch...bite....*sigh*...so nice to have her home...

    Don't listen to them zid....hold your ground.

  • ziddina

    Yeah, I can identify...

    Somehow, a bed large enough for a human or two, shrinks unexplainably when you add a 5 - 12 pound kitten/cat to the formula...

    Maybe she wants special treats because she was good enough to come home!! Or else, she's trying to tell you ALL about her adventures!!

    Again, glad she's back...

  • ziddina

    Whoops... I just thought of something...

    Maybe it's time to have her spayed...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    You could be right...she might have wanted special treats....she wasn't exactly starving though, which leads me to think she might have been getting special treats somewhere else.....she was definately trying to tell me something...in her demanding little way...LOL

    Mine or yours spayed?...mine already done...but I am considering a collar with name, address and ph number...don't like them much...but...don't like her gone either...thoughts?

  • ziddina

    Microchip her...

    I'm very troubled by the problems with collars. They can slip off - but that's better than strangling the animal... So, if you can't have her microchipped right now, get a stretchy collar - and make SURE that it's one of those "safety" collars and test it with your hand first...

    Personally, I put mine in harnesses - they can slip out of those, but they're safer - less likely to be strangled if they become hung up... And of course, a harness means they stay on a LEASH, too... [eeevil grin!] Which means they usually stay in the yard...

    Yeah, all of mine are spayed/neutered. Tends to limit their roaming and decrease the cat fights...

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