Has The World Ended & No One Told Me ........As I Have Been The Only One Here For The Last Hour LOL

by finallysomepride 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    well....I don't see my kitten...she disappeared last night...been looking everywhere...

  • finallysomepride

    oh bumma, she will be back, just out exploring,

  • ziddina
    "...I don't see my kitten...she disappeared last night...been looking everywhere..."

    Oh, sweetheart!!

    That just breaks my heart...

    I sure hope she comes back - and when she does, make her an INDOOR cat...

    The world's a pretty dangerous place for little kitties, even in the suburbs... Mine are all 'indoor' cats [against their will, of course..] but I do let them out in the back yard in harnesses - NEVER collars, as they could strangle to death in a collar...

    Thinking positive thoughts and sending pleas for your kitten's safe return to Bastet...



  • finallysomepride

    My cat has to stay inside, new laws here in queensland, that came in a couple of years ago, there alot less cats seen now running around FREE, great for the wildlife, damn crows gang up on mine now they know he's stuck behind the screen door LOL

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    thanks zid and fsp...I'm pretty upset I gotta say...I've posted an ad on every lost pet site I can find. And done a letter box drop all around my area this afternoon.

    I've kept her inside up until a few weeks ago...now look what's happened.

    heres a pick of her


  • sizemik

    Sorry to hear about your kitty still thinking . . .

    It's a very pretty cat . . . which makes it very desirable . . . unfortunately.

    We lost a kitten once . . . she came home about two weeks later . . . here's hoping.

  • ziddina

    Oh, Still Thinking, honey, she's so pretty...

    I'm afraid that she might have a "new" home, already - especially if she wasn't wearing a collar...

    Mine don't wear collars either - 'cuz my ex-Jehovah's Witness hubby and I warned someone in the trailer park we were living in, about the dangers of keeping their lovely pet puppy on a collar and leash... The poor thing came to a tragic end... I've never left an animal chained or restrained by a collar, since...

    Besides, harnesses work very well, and are MUCH safer!!! My brats have gotten "hung" up with their harnesses - they always slip out safely - no strangling - but then, of course, they're running all over the neighborhood... I've since shortened their leashes so they can't REACH anything to get hung up on...

    My brat, Smokey, was doing it deliberately because he'd figured out that he could escape, that way...

    Here's Smokey...

    Doesn't he look eeeeeeeeee-vil???

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    fingers crossed sizemik...it is very odd for her to just vanish like that. She generally doesn't wander off the property and hangs around wherever you are....my other concern is the creek that runs along our section...I hate the idea she might have fallen in cause she could get dragged out to sea....arrrgggghhh....I can't bear it!!!!

    She is such an affectonate little thing and a pillow hog the bed is empty without her.

    He looks cute zid...I've got one that looks a lot like him too but mines got white sox and a little white diamond above his nose, he's called Fagan.

    I don't like collars either, they tend to get tangled in trees. I know they have the elastic, but I don't think they are very safe. I wonder if I should have got her microchipped.

  • ziddina

    Look farther afield for her... Check farther out... Our little black kitten disappeared once - for over a day. Turned out that she'd gotten locked in our neighbor's garage - it was a good thing that they hadn't gone on a two-week vacation!!! I think it was after that, that I stopped allowing my little brats to run free...

  • sizemik

    still thinking . . .

    If your kittens had a fright it may be hiding . . . sometimes they do that for days. They only come out at night to scrounge food and won't answer to a call. Under a house is often a good hiding place. They will keep this up until the fear is gone . . . which can be quite a while. I knew of a cat that did this once.

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