Let the shunning begin, apparently...(long-winded)

by lilbluekitty 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lilbluekitty

    My father and I have been going back and forth on Facebook in private messages. It had been since August that my dad had contacted me, before I was beginning to "come out" about not wanting to be a JW, and actually I haven't actually stated that to any of my family or JW friends yet, as I was hoping to do the fade thing.

    Well I wrote to my dad and he has recently been very SR (self-righteous) lately and was copy/pasting "answers" to my questions right out of the WT CD-rom. I called him on it and asked him to speak out of his heart. Last night he sent me a message and since I went to bed early I didn't see it or respond quickly enough to his liking. This is what he said.

    "Well, your silence tells me that you are inactive and are not going to meetings. Is it only that bad, or have you joined [my husband's] church? What does [my sister] and your mother know, and if so, what do they say? I'm hoping it isn't too late to say this, if you haven't joined his church probably by getting baptized there, please try to keep it that way. It's not a good thing to be inactive, but much worse to actually become a member of a false religion, worse than even immorality. It is called apostasy, and you will lose any and all FB friends that are Witnesses, especially family, and most distressing to me, even me. Am I speaking too late, or is there hope of you recovering? These are not threats, they will be realities if you should take that drastic action against us. I so hope I am wrong in fearing the worst. Can you please tell me truthfully what exactly is going on? Thank you."

    Well I was flabbergasted. My last comment to him was of chiding him for not telling me to pray about it or go to the Bible for help and that he only copy/pasted WT articles to me without answering me from his heart.

    So this is part of what I wrote back to him. Sorry it's so long. And by the way I never mentioned to him I wanted to join my husband's church or anything, the words I used are "spiritually digging." That's it! Things in brackets [] are things I didn't say to him but say to you guys to make it easier to understand our conversation.

    "Wow are you jumping to conclusions. My silence was because I went to get my hair cut and went out to eat and when I got home I went straight to bed because I was tired, and my silence today was that I haven't bothered to turn on my laptop til now. Dude! I'm not joining his church or any church. [right now anyway, at least I never mentioned it to him] Don't assume anything about me "based on my silence" or my "attitude". I've been talking to mom, and even [my sister] yesterday. They know that I am just tired and I've always had a low self-esteem and I, like you and many others worry about getting destroyed, and they are allowing me to ask questions and though they base it on the publications they are also answering from their hearts, which is what I had hoped I'd get from you.

    If I had started asking questions when I was perhaps 10 years old and was watching all the hypocrisy that was going on then[ ...] and it made me very angry and sad and again, made me have questions.

    But, back then I truly believed you loved me and if I could have asked you questions back then, you would've sat me down next to you and looked at me with a worried face (you get those forehead wrinkles, you used to anyway) and said "Honey!" and not that fake voice you use now, "What's the matter? What happened that would make you ask these kind of questions? I think we need to pray about this first, and then you would have prayed out loud with me and then you would have really listened while I asked questions that now you would call me an apostate for?? Am I really so "mentally diseased?" Yes, I read that whole Watchtower article, that anyone that leaves the truth is an apostate and is "mentally diseased." True, that particular quote doesn't say exactly that but it's automatically assumed that if you stop being a JW (even an inactive one like me, though I've only missed about 3 1/2 months so perhaps I'm not even inactive officially) that I'm going around rolling in the aisles of churches and turning into a "rabid apostate" like that cousin of yours. When in reality I'm just confused about some organizational things, but instead of you or the family feeling concerned for me, and perhaps trying to comfort me and pray for me and kindly "readjust" my thinking, you are thisclose to turning on me?

    That is certainly threatening but I don't view it as a threat. You are all so quick to turn on those you're supposed to love. I'm not even talking about mom because she's a different story. It's true [my sister] has said and done some terrible things but you are all so quick to block her and talk about her behind her back. [She's still an active JW] When I'm around you all I find myself doing the same things which is why I'm glad I moved back with my husband, where I'm supposed to be, at least now that I married "out of the Lord" anyway.

    You want to throw around the word apostate just because I was reading a different Bible translation lately (for ease of getting my Bible reading done!) and I don't post my speeeeritual life all over FB (they've been telling us not to over and over again in talks, but I guess [my dad's mom] and [his sister] et al. haven't listened to those!) and plus I don't think it's anyone's business but Jehovah's whether not I make my hours or underline my Watchtower or even lay out my meeting clothes! Do I really want [my husband's] family to "become stumbled" about those type of things? Well then I'd surely be an "apostate" in your eyes, for leading them away form JWs! Then again it's "wrong" that I'm friends with them on Facebook, even though they're also my family now.

    So go ahead and mark me, or even label me because you're so quick to jump to conclusions. You went for what, 8 years without speaking to me before? More? And mostly because mom turned us against you or outright refused to allow us to contact you because she was abusing us emotionally, physically, verbally and even spiritually. I only talk to her now because it's like she's a different person, at least outwardly. But you use defriending me on FB as a threat, oh I'm sorry, realities? I'm sorry, but it doesn't bother me. You all (perhaps the exception of [--] family because I didn't know them before, but I'm sure you'll be more than happy to turn them against me) have always been fair weather friends, or family. Quick to shun and even hate at the moment's notice or at even the assumption of any even minor wrongdoing. I'm used to it. Go ahead then, if that's what you see fit. I'm used to being ignored and even hated in this family.

    I will leave you with this last thought: I thought we were supposed to imitate Jesus and show love to one another?"

    *shakes head* I never mentioned anything about going to my husband's church or getting baptized there (I haven't) but he's ready to start shunning me already.

  • sinis

    Your playing with fire. You are better off fading due to "mental stress", and leaving it at that. I would not speak of the other church to your family or friends, and if you decide to go one day keep it between you and your husband. Unless you desire to get DF'd I would keep your mouth shut and just tell your dad that you are mentally fatigued and need some time off. Leave it at that...

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Just fade away. Keep your true feelings to yourself...unless you don't care anymore what your family thinks.

    P.S. You will be a nice addition to this board.

    Think About It

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    "Well, your silence tells me that you are inactive and are not going to meetings. Is it only that bad, or have you joined [my husband's] church? What does [my sister] and your mother know, and if so, what do they say? I'm hoping it isn't too late to say this, if you haven't joined his church probably by getting baptized there, please try to keep it that way. It's not a good thing to be inactive, but much worse to actually become a member of a false religion, worse than even immorality. It is called apostasy, and you will lose any and all FB friends that are Witnesses, especially family, and most distressing to me, even me. Am I speaking too late, or is there hope of you recovering? These are not threats, they will be realities if you should take that drastic action against us. I so hope I am wrong in fearing the worst. Can you please tell me truthfully what exactly is going on? Thank you."

    This is what makes me so sick about this religion and it fits in harmony with what Paul said about people not being open to any agreement in the last days. No disrespect to your father or you, but isn't ironic how he contradicts himself in this paragraph by first playing to your fears and explaining the consequences of your actions. Then to top it all off he emphasizes to you that these consequences are not a threat but rather realities. The other thing that is completely fascinating yet so disgusting is that your father equates attending a church with taking direct action against him and other JWs.

    You should send him a copy of that July 2009 Awake about emotional extortion being wrongly used to discourage people from worshipping in a way acceptable to their conscience.

  • sinis

    Like others have mentioned - tell him all is well and talk about ANYTHING other than the JW's. Don't answer his questions, otherwise you won't pass "Go". Don't be suprised if you get a visit or call from the elders, as your dad more than likely passed this info on, and or made hard copies of your Facebook conversation. You need to stop, unless you don't care about the repercussions?

  • IsaacJ22

    I also recommend you fade if your congregation is full of apostate hunters. If you can simply stop going to meetings, then I wouldn't drag it out unless there's a good reason. That's a good reason by your standards, not anyone elses, BTW. I simply stopped going and was never DFed or anything like that, but some say their congregations will DF you even if you simply stay away.

    The thing is that your relationship with your family will be needlessly complicated if you get DFed or try to DA yourself. So why bother with that? Better to be inactive.

    I appreciated the part about your father speaking to you in a fake voice. I've noticed that many JWs do this thing where they talk to you in their elder-giving-a-talk voice. It's the one they often use in field service, actually. It's like they think this is a conference call, and Jesus is on the 3rd line, so they want to sound professional to impress him or something.

    Good luck. Welcome to the board.

  • lilbluekitty

    Quick background info: I live over 2,000 miles away from most of my family, my father included. I stopped attending meetings and service 3 1/2 months ago and my mother is the only one who knows which congregation I'm in. My dad doesn't. Even if he did figure out which I was in and contacted the brothers, they don't even know me because they never bothered to get to know me and my attendance was always sporadic in that congregation.

    I don't care either way about my father's side of the family. They've never been there for me so I wouldn't lose much. Honestly I woudn't lose much if I lost my mother's side of the family either but it's much less likely as my mom is actually listening to me.

    I never said word one, except on this forum, about joining another church (which I haven't done, I was only thinking about it) so unless my dad is so hypocritical that he trolls this forum (I lurk on another one but have never posted and use a different screen name) there is no way he would know about it. Out loud, the only person I've ever mentioned the word church to is my husband and he very much dislikes my family.

    I'm not afraid of being DF'd and as far as I'm aware, legally I'm the only one who can DA myself and I don't have any intention of doing that, just not going anymore.

  • mrsjones5

    Others on this board have related being tracked down by jws they don't even know after they have moved away from family that are jws. And some of them have even been df'd. Best not to talk about the "truth" with your father and other family members anymore even if it doesn't matter to you (but I think on some level it really does).

  • NewChapter

    I'm not afraid of being DF'd and as far as I'm aware, legally I'm the only one who can DA myself and I don't have any intention of doing that, just not going anymore.

    That's actually not true. They play this little game where they say that certain things are not disfellowshipping offenses (taking blood) but that the action alone disassociates you. No letter needed.

    So if you join the military, church, political group, or any other organization they find scary, they will claim that the action itself disassociated you. No need for a judicial committee. And it allows them to keep up the facade that they don't DF for such things. Just something to think about.


  • rebel8

    You cannot control the reactions of others and you aren't responsible for them.

    Do the healthy, right thing yourself and let them be the abberation (as painful as that may be, they are the sick ones).

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