Phone call from a brother last night

by label licker 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • label licker
    label licker

    The brother and his wife thought the statement at the end of this month's broad cast show was a little off. The org stated that Jehovah's organisation can not be corrupted. (Needless to say only three had shown up for the broadcast meeting at the hall) He's never heard that before so we filled him in as to what the org has been up to and gave him jwnet, jw facts as well as jw survey to look at. They said they would look at it.

    They also said that Hebrews chapter eleven was quoted and how they didn't see the promise in their time but they listened and obeyed so it's like today. We might not understand everything the FDS puts out but we will listen, obey and follow them since god is unsearchable and can not be found.

    They were also turned off at what they owe for their one day assembly. The amount was over $16,000.00 for the one day. The coordinator told them when they asked him about it that that was the first time the assembly hall has ever asked for donations in eleven years, which was a lie. He also said that each hall only has to pay out $600.00 on top of their monthly tithe. They were pissed off. They asked me how is that a donation if they are expected to pay out a certain amount? Again, I gave them the info.

    Thanks everyone for this site and its wealth of information.

  • Garrett
    Good job label licker! Keep helping them along :)
  • StarTrekAngel
    Is that broadcast in their website?
  • label licker
    label licker

    According to them, they said it was the broadcast show they had to go to their hall to watch on the big screen. He said the elder was going to make another announcement to come for another showing since there were only three old timers that had shown up. None of them have computers. I didn't watch the show to hear this. They were pretty upset so I wonder if they have the show as well as the assembly tied in together.

    They keep in touch with us every week now to know what else the org has been up to. We took our computer over to their place and had shown them some of the disgusting things this cult has been up to.

  • Oubliette

    Wow, the org is getting desperate!

    Where was this? Was that broadcast countrywide or only locally?

  • leaving_quietly

    We might not understand everything the FDS puts out but we will listen, obey and follow them since god is unsearchable and can not be found.

    Did they actually say that?

    The Bible NEVER says that God is unsearchable. His judgements are. (Rom 11:33) His understanding is. (Isa 40:28) His greatness is. (Ps 145:3) Things he does are. (Job 5:9; Job 9:10)

    And, God will let himself be found. (1 Chron 28:8; 2 Chron 15:2,3,15) And the Bible tells us to search for God. (Isa 55:6)

    I will have to watch the video for myself to see if they actually said that.

    Many congs make the monthly broadcast available for those without computers. It's typical nowadays. Yep, another meeting to go to.

  • TheListener
    I think the local KHs played the monthly videos for anyone who doesn't have access to a computer to watch on their own.
  • sowhatnow

    a little off? lol

    I wonder if there was any swirling memorizing colors on the screen as well?

    [maybe a little quiet chanting in the background? lol ]

    God is unsearchable and cant be found ?!? oh no! lol

    that came out of someones mouth?

    wow! a blatant lie right there!

    gee I wonder if cedars is on to that, new

    that is contrary to what the bible says, even their twisted paperweight.

    well doesn't the bible say, people will have their ears tickled and they will be blinded?

    who cant see this is obvious lies?

  • Finkelstein

    The org stated that Jehovah's organization can not be corrupted.

    The reality is that the Org. was corrupted from its very beginning, in spite of the Org. growing accumulation of power and wealth.

    Most of the complied corruption came out of creating doctrines which more about drawing attention to the organization's published literature and the continuing proliferation of that literature, than accurate and honest bible interpretation.

  • NewYork44M

    Needless to say only three had shown up for the broadcast meeting at the hall

    Can you clarify what these broadcast meetings are? Are these special meetings where the congregation is supposed to come to the hall and listen to a broadcast? And... only 3 showed up! Am I missing something or should I say "WOW!"

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