Three earthquakes today

by doofdaddy 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • doofdaddy

    I just had dinner at a japanese restaurant not far from here and we looked in awe at the cracks all over the walls and disconnected ceiling! Business still going on. In the taxi home, we saw the Carefour shopping centre which was closed and had major structural damage. I am still amazed that the Western media didn't show more interest...

  • sizemik

    Ha ha ha ha . . . sorry to laugh.

    But welcome to the club . . . the thought of you running out on to the street naked was just too much.

    It's scares the shit out of you that's for sure LOL.

    We've had a few in the last 12 months . . . 4 over 6.0 mag, 30 over 5.0 . . . 7,500+ all up.

    A 5.5 and a 4.9 rolled through just the other day . . . centred right beneath the city . . . sounds like a nuclear attack.

    If you hear the rumble and feel those intitial vibrations then the best thing to do is run outside IMO. If you react immediately you've got about 4-6 seconds to get outside before the larger S-waves hit. We can manage it in about 3 seconds . . . plenty of time. Under the table is the last option if you're too slow or don't hear it coming.

    The biggest danger is from old or shabbily built buildings falling down with you inside . . . outside is best.

    Just avoid having large heavy objects positioned above your head . . . like roofs etc.

    Good luck . . . and think safe . . . aftershocks can be big too.

    Size: Earthshaker class.

  • doofdaddy

    Thanks Sizemik. Worth a look at utube. Man I have never been in one before......That noise is as bad as the shakes. We had two close together. 6.1. and 6.8, then an aftershock later at 5.9 I agree with getting out as the building standard here is nonexistent. No way was I staying in a doorway etc. When I ran outside wrapping the sarong around me, the locals looked terrified but had tears of laughter. They don't miss an opportunity to laugh at "bules".

  • sizemik
    That noise is as bad as the shakes.

    Yeah . . . it's one you'll never forget as long as you live. A lot of ours were less than 10 kms away and less than 10 km deep . . . the latent power in the noise was extremely intimidating . . . like I'd imagine a nuclear detonation to sound like . . . and everything began vibrating prior to the actual shaking.

    When we finally got used to it, the noise actually became our warning signal . . . gives us a few seconds to evacuate. I never imagined such a noise could be a friend LOL.

    Hope it's all quietening down for you now?

  • finallysomepride

    I've only experienced small earthquakes 3-4 at the very most & the noise from those were incredible, I would hate to be in a much larger one like Christchurch or Japan, real scary stuff

  • doofdaddy

    Just arrived back in stable Australia. I didn't realise how deep the fear had gone. My back had been aching since the quakes but now is settling...

  • sizemik

    There's some interesting before-and-after shots here . . .

    Amazing the damage . . . the only safe place is outside.

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