Living A Lie

by MoodyBlue 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frenchy

    First of all the French Knight wanted me to make this perfectly clear to the board that he does NOT wear white satin. He tells me that he slept on satin sheets one night and he slipped and slided so much that he feared that he might actually slip off the bed during the night. Personally I think satin is nice but he insisted that I post this!

    Good advice has been given here. I have asked all those questions myself so it's safe to assume that this is normal. (Hey, no comments from the rest of you about my not being normal...I'm just not ordinary! ) I have gone over these things many times in my mind. One of the few persons that I have ever talked to about my doubts (aside from my family on this board) asked me on of the questions that plagued me...'What if you're wrong? Suppose that all of this is merely an attitude problem on your part?'
    My answer? So I'm wrong. So what? The WTBS has been wrong many times and they claim to be the voice of God. If the voice of God can be wrong and still be right (for that is their argument when their mistakes are pointed out) , a poor, ignorant slob like me can surely expect some mercy too, right? This brings to mind the lyrics of a song by Don Williams: "I thank you for your well thought out advice...but I can make mistakes myself just fine."
    It is the promotion of the idea that we cannot find God on our own and that we MUST have someone whom God is using to tell us about what he wants that keeps us enslaved. Jesus said that HE was the way to God and that there was no other. That pretty much eliminates any 'faithful and discreet slave' from assuming that role.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • thinker

    Moody Blue,
    It sounds like you've learned a few things already about the REAL truth of the WTBTS. If you want more info. I can send you some very good links to informative websites. All of these use very logical discussions.
    As for your hubby, maybe you can introduce these subjects slowly. Bring up one point at a time and don't overwhelm him with everything at once.


  • mommy

    Hey Moodyblue,
    I would like offer my advice too, I feel you need to answer your "what if's" before you approach your husband. This way you will be stronger, and better able to handle his arguments.
    Redhorsewoman's reply WAS amazing, I have never seen that before. Now I have a better understanding of why my mom is so "into" the org. you too can see how they are pulling at you now too, and how this will affect your husbands reaction

    Fact is, I don't know what this world has to offer me. Don't know what I'd do WITHOUT my husband. Cuz it's him that I live for, it's him i go to meetings for.

    Let your love for him guide you on the path you should take. Pray to God and let your heart lead you.
    I am so sorry sister for the pain you are going through now and unfortunalty the pain to come. I will keep you in my prayers:)

  • trevor

    Your listing of cult traits was very enlightening. I have printed it off.

  • amicus

    I have no good advice to offer. I'm a river of questions flowing from a puddle of answers.
    I will change the subject though;

    'Cold hearted orb that rules the night,
    Removes the colors from our sight.
    Red is grey and yellow white,
    But we decide which is right,
    And which is an illusion?
    Pinprick holes in a colourless sky,
    Let inspired figures of light pass by,
    The mighty light of ten thousand suns,
    Challenges infinity and is soon gone.
    Night time, to some a brief interlude,
    To others, the fear of solitude.
    Brave Helios wake up your steeds,
    Bring the warmth the countryside needs.

    Breathe deep the gathering gloom,
    Watch lights fade from every room.
    Bedsitter people look back and lament,
    Another day's useless energy spent.
    Impassioned lovers wrestle as one,
    Lonely man cries for love and has none.
    New mother picks up and suckles her son,
    Senior citizens wish they were young.
    Cold hearted orb that rules the night,
    Removes the colors from our sight.
    Red is grey and yellow white,
    But we decide which is right.
    And which is an illusion???. -Moody Blues/Days of Future Past

    Ok, you can have your serious discussion back.

    Edited by - amicus on 14 January 2001 10:57:7

  • joel

    Hi Moodyblue,

    You definitely need to relieve your mind of any thoughts that the Org. is the only place one can be to serve God.

    Read...Read...Read...information from books and web sites(which all can be by typing in JW's at online bookstores and sites) time your mind/heart will be completely free of any ties to the Org....then you can proceed.

    If your husband is not taking in the same information...treat him with love with the knowledge of that fact.

    Also...there are fine places out there for you in the future...I attend a large non-denominational church that fulfills all my needs to acknowledge God in worship and the hearin' of His Word.

    All the best to ya!


  • claudia

    Moodyblue, my advice is to take your time. Read read read, and then read some more! Is there anything in his behavior that says he may also have doubts? Amicus, I love the Moody Blues. Think i will go to napster and download some.

  • amicus

    I really like "Days of Future Passed". It was one of the first times I heard an Orchestra record with a rock band.
    The poem kind of fit here too.

  • neyank

    Hi amicus,
    Not to change the subject but I am a huge Moody Blues fan.
    I have most of their records (the vinal things) tapes and cd's
    I've seen them in concert twice.
    They put on an excellant show.
    I also have their 1st big hit. Go Now. They put that out before they changed their style.
    Back to the subject at hand.

  • Carmel

    Golly Neyank,

    you must be ancient, and huge too!

    carmel using his best diplomacy

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