Islam More Lenient on Apostates than the WTBTS!

by 00DAD 47 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • 00DAD

    Justitia Themis oh my goodness. Why is it YOU can make a comparison between Ahmadiyya Muslim's [Islamic sect] and JWs and that's OK, but my drawing a comparison with one Islamic "expert's" opinion is not? Never rmind. I already made my point.

    Don't know why you want to pick a fight, but as I said, I'm not interested. Been there done that. You've apparently got too much time on your hands buddy.

    That being said, thank you so much for alerting me to a "valid error in my comparison" in a legalistic, irritating and annoying way, Captain Obvious. Interesting that my "error" is so clear to you, but the point I was making was not. I only quoted one person on purpose. YOU quoted the entire article. The only possibly confusing part was my title. I already addressed that in my last post. I'm not incorrect or and didn't make any errors other than possibly responding to your baiting. This is about JWs not the diversity which is Islam. Get the clue.

    Oh, and have a nice day.


  • 00DAD

    JT - I wanted to add that you might want to re-read my original post. Because, except for the ambiguity of the thread Title (which I have already addressed above), my point was the JW's position on apostasy in contrast to that expressed by Mr. Zafar as a self-proclaimed spokesperson for Islam. It is Mr. Zafar that presumes to speak for all of Islam, not me.

    Also, I acknowledged the diversity of views and interpretations among those professing to be muslims in the last sentence of my original post. Again, my post was about JWs and their treatment of dissenters, NOT about the diversity of beliefs and interpretations which are Islam. I merely used the one quote from the article to demonstrate a different point of view. I'm sorry that wasn't clear. Remember, this is JWN, not the Ex-Muslim Network.



  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis


    I'm female.

    It is Mr. Zafar that presumes to speak for all of Islam, not me.

    Per the article, Mr. Zafar, whom you quoted in your very first post, is the official spokesperson for the U.S. Amadiyya community. Hence: "Ahmadiyya Muslims More Lenient on Apostates than the WTBTS!"

    Analogy: Quote in an article, "The Pope says birth control is not biblically allowed." Most people would understand that the Pope is speaking for Catholics, and that there are other Christians who might disagree.

    Again, my post was about JWs and their treatment of dissenters

    To which I twice responded that I agree with you. "JWs suck."

    That being said, thank you so much for alerting me to a "valid error in my comparison" in a legalistic, irritating and annoying way,

    ????? You law students, my fellow students and I have our errors in our logic, comparison, categorizing, etc., publicly exposed in "a legalistic" way everyday, and we appreciate it because it forces us to sharpen our analyses. We don't call it arguing, and we don't get angry at the person. You, sir, would not last an hour. much for 'men think and women feel.'

    Good day.

  • 00DAD

    JT: I knew it, you're a friggin' lawyer. Actually, you're not even that yet, just a wannabe lawyer in training.

    I'm not and AS I HAVE REPEATEDLY SAID, DON'T WANT TO BE. I've know too many lawyers.

    Your superior attitude is just the kind of thing I come here to get away from: brow-beating by a bunch of legalistic nonsense and never able to see the other person's point. And don't give me any of your crap about "don't get angry at the person." I encouraged you to re-read my article to try and understand the points I was trying to make and you respond with "my fellow law students and I ...." Way to ignore the issue and attack the person. Thanks too for the kind "You wouldn't last an hour" dig. Actually, it's much less. I wouldn't last a second because I hate lawyers. The always have to argue and never know when to shut-up.

    Even now you're diverting from the topic and making it an argument about arguing, ... oh I'm sorry. It's not an argument, it's a "sharpening of your analyses". You remind me of my ex-wife. I bet you always have to have the last word too, just like her.

    Go analyze that.

  • glenster
  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Well seeing the JWs and the Muslims are partnering up at the OSCE coference soon i wonder if they will spin the 'apostate' treatment?

    Personally i doubt they would!

    Maybe they will compare notes and come to some strategy on how to deal with the 'problem'!


  • soft+gentle

    imo, in a nutshell, Islam allows dissent and change from within - Jehovahs witnesses do not.

  • 00DAD

    soft+gentle, thank you for nicely summarizing the point I was trying to make and doing so in a, well, "soft and gentle" way!

  • dgp

    I believe the original poster has been terribly misinformed. And I find that surprising at this time and age.

    Anyone ever heard about what a fatwa is? Remember Rushdie? Ayan Hirsi Ali? Ibn Warraq? Theo van Gogh, who wasn't even a Muslim?

    Here's an example of some Muslim religious tolerance towards other Muslims:

    Religious Tolerance in Indonesia - Part 1 (RAW Video)

    There is a part two of this video. You'll see pacifism in action.

    Sometimes you don't even have to be an apostate. You just have to do something one of them fanatics does not like:

    Muslim Girls in Afghan acid attack for going to school

    Iranian Women Abused For Not Following "Islamic Dress Code"

  • 00DAD

    Sighs ...

    To dgp: No I am not misinformed. You (as well as a couple of others that responded) apparently did not read my entire original post. The last sentence said:

    "That being said, there are of course still many hard-core "True Believer" muslims that see things differently than Mr. Zafar, as the particular issue that prompted the CNN article make obvious."

    I realize my thread title is simplistic and potentially misleading regarding what I personally know about Islam. But I actually thought it would only serve to get the attention of JWN posters like yourself and that you would read my entire post before responding. Silly me.

    It Mr. Zafar's comment and his comment alone got me thinking along the lines of "what if the WTBTS viewed apostates differently ...?" (Yes I read the entire online article that was the source of his. Did you?)

    I just thought it was interesting that even among muslims, there are some that are more open-minded and less fanatical. Among active JWs there is NO room for a difference of opinion, none. You can't even discuss having a discussion about doctrines. The GB simply will not allow it.



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