The way I see it Jesus must have had a wife at some point

by sabastious 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tec

    I think it's quite evident that what actually happened in Jesus day isn't accurately recorded. I also do not believe that the Gospels were originally intended to provide the entire picture as the writer's knew their limitations. Only four Gospels made it into the Bible cannon even

    though many existed.

    I agree with this 100%. One of the gospels even says this.

    I theorize that it is because of this verses inconsistancy with the scriptures, as well as Gospels, that surround it, that Jesus must have had a wife, especially one that died. With that added in this verse makes more sense. Jesus would have means to make such a bold statement because he was choosing to be faithful to the memory of a dead wife. If this were true no one would dare question whether or not he had looked at a woman lustfully since her death as it would dishonor both of them.

    In this however, I do not agree. First, He taught everything that His Father taught Him. He was also concerned with the spirit of a person, more than the flesh of a person. So His teachings went deeper than just what people 'do' or 'see'. If you are looking lustfully at another woman (you are disloyal in your heart- wanting another woman)... so are you truly, deeply, faithful in your spirit? In your flesh perhaps, but perhaps not your heart. Sort of a 'clean the inside of the cup', sort of thing. Same with not being angry and cursing someone... because it was the same as committing murder.

    Second... where does it say that you must be faithful to the 'memory' of a dead wife? Where does that thought come from?



  • sabastious

    Tec, according to you, where does the human mind fit in between your spectrum of flesh and spirit?


  • sabastious
    Second... where does it say that you must be faithful to the 'memory' of a dead wife? Where does that thought come from?

    Even in that day, I imagine, it was considered a personal decision to remarry after becoming a widower. If Jesus did indeed have a wife that died he might have chosen personally to remain celibate in her honor. If this were true his position on mental adultry would have significant weight since he could remarry if he wanted to.


  • jehovahsheep

    i believe jesus gave up marraige and procreation as part of his sacrifice-this way he has become our eternal father.

  • tec

    Tec, according to you, where does the human mind fit in between your spectrum of flesh and spirit?

    Spirit... in combination with the 'heart'... not the organ.

    If Jesus did indeed have a wife that died he might have chosen personally to remain celibate in her honor. If this were true his position on mental adultry would have significant weight since he could remarry if he wanted to.

    But he was speaking to people who WERE married, but yet lusting after another woman.

    You don't need to be married to understand breaking promises to your mate. (be faithful... not just in the flesh, but also in the spirit) Anyone can understand that if you make a vow to be faithful, then you should be faithful.



  • sabastious
    First, He taught everything that His Father taught Him. He was also concerned with the spirit of a person, more than the flesh of a person.

    Tec, one thing you forget is that the Jesus you refer to, based on your research and meditation on the Gospels, was already 30+ years old. I am a 27 year old male and I can tell you I was a different male when I was 17 years old. Adolescence to 30 is a huge hole in the Jesus timeline. My point is there might be two or more Jesus' depending on the phases of his developmental process.


  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The Bible-god from the OT (the Jewish myths) was obsessed with virgins (especially killing/sacrificing them). It would make sense that a god from the NT (the Christian myths) based on the old myths would be a virgin and be sacrificed.

  • sabastious
    But he was speaking to people who WERE married, but yet lusting after another woman. You don't need to be married to understand breaking promises to your mate.

    Relationships go through many phases and there may come a time in any of them where either the man or woman looks longfully at another. Whether or not those thoughts constitute adultery is a wholly philisophical position that cannot rightly be called anything other than opinion. If Jesus had never had a wife then such a position then becomes highly hypocritical, at least in my opinion.


  • sabastious
    i believe jesus gave up marraige and procreation as part of his sacrifice-this way he has become our eternal father.

    If this were true then why didn't it make the final record within the chosen Gospels? Jesus' relationship status, within the 4 Gospels, is ambiguous at best.


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I don't think we know anything for sure about Jesus. A guy lived whose teachings were impressive to enough enthusiastic people to spawn a successful religion. We can't be certain of any of the details beyond that. The best we can hope is that the quotes attributed to him are reasonably accurate paraphrases of things the real person actually said and that the details given about his life aren't so tainted by the passage of time and the imperfect memories of witnesses that they remain reasonably described as "based on a true story."

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