You All Need To Read This New Letter Sent To All Conregations In Victoria Australia About Police Checks For Elders

by Hairyhegoat 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondiiz

    Let me get this straight.

    JWs are scared so they started to apply without WTS telling them to.
    Now, WTS is telling JWs, that WTS is correct because JWs aren't volunteers for WTS?
    Does this mean WTS is saying the JW are volunteers to individual congregations? Or are they going to spin it that JWs are volunteers for Jehovah??? Which basically absolves WTS of JWs in Victoria?

    Didn't Steven Unthank say that WTS advised JWs in the past not to apply for WWC that is one reason why the lawsuits were filed in the first place? Which would indicate that WTS does control individual congregations thus WTS is liable for the actions of the individual members?

  • wannabefree

    It's a play on words, spin, theocratic warfare ... I remember several years ago either a letter being read or a KM article that wanted to clarify to the publishers that they should not introduce themselves as representatives of the WTB&TS, you are Jehovah's Witnesses, the WTB&TS is a corporation, you do not represent it. I remember thinking it was odd at the time cuz I never heard anyone use it as an introduction in the ministry before and it had never crossed my mind to say it, but I also wondered what the big deal was ... apparently it is a legal issue. So I guess it is probably the same idea here, JW's are not volunteers in any way of WTB&TS, they are independent volunteers for the Christian Congregation, not for any of the corporations.

  • flipper

    HAIRYHEGOAT- Great thread. Thanks for posting it. The quote, " The letter also stated that JW's are not volunteers for the WT society. " Who the hell do they think Witnesses volunteer for ? Elmer Fudd ? Absolutely incredible. But not surprising considering the WT society's arrogance.

    By the WT society constantly trying to shift it's way out of cooperating with Australia laws regarding child abuse - it just proves they are guilty even more and are trying to hide something. The more they fight against it - the guiltier they look. I wonder how many numbers of pedophiles would turn up if the WT society agreed to have their elders and MS's checked ? I think THAT is what they're afraid of. I hope they get criminally charged and have to pay a huge fine or GB members or elders go to jail for this. It would serve them right to suffer

  • Hairyhegoat

    The source of this letter comes from

    If you type into GOOGLE jehovahs witness news the 3rd choice down is this site, look in recent jehovahs witness discussions box and find the title JW elders applying for WWC in Victoria. Some more very good points on this subject that you will find very interesting.. Have a look


  • Hairyhegoat

    Sorry guys that link doesn't seem to work..Try


  • JWdaughter

    ***Doing God’s Will/ je p. 9 Jehovah Gathers and Equips His People for Work ***

    In 1909 the headquarters of the Watch Tower Society was moved to Brooklyn, New York, to further the expansion of the preaching work on an international scale. It became necessary to form an associate corporation under New York State law, which is now known as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. In 1914 the International Bible Students Association was formed in London, England, to advance the activities of the Bible Students throughout the British Commonwealth. At present some 70 legally formed corporations and associations in many countries around the world are serving the purposes of the Watch Tower Society. All are philanthropic, being supported by voluntary contributions and volunteer workers.


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    They will do whatever saves them the most money.

    They will throw elders and publishers under the bus. They will place blame on the rank and file. They will lie to the judge about how key staff had been oversees and we are sooooo sorry we were late with paperwork. They will make use of clever wording to fool the law.

    Lets hope the whole 'volunteer' thing bites them on the arse scientology style...


  • Mary

    Bookmarked for reading later.

  • sir82
    New letter being read out in ALL Victorian Congregations about the Working With Children Check, this week. It backs the Organisation that they got it right with their thoughts on who needs to apply as they dont have Sunday Schools or Child Specific Activities. The letter also stated that JW's are NOT volunteers for Watchtower Bible Tract Society!

    Do we have any Australian "moles" who would be willing to scan & post that letter?

  • DesirousOfChange

    It's a play on words, spin, theocratic warfare ... I remember several years ago either a letter being read or a KM article that wanted to clarify to the publishers that they should not introduce themselves as representatives of the WTB&TS, you are Jehovah's Witnesses, the WTB&TS is a corporation, you do not represent it.

    Several years back all congs were told to remove the "Watchtower" image off of their congregation letterhead, and any signs on the property, etc. They (the Cong) WAS NOT part of the WATCHTOWER SOCIETY and NOT entitled to use the Trademark.


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