Is it OK to kill somebody?

by julien 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    Here in WA, we always have the "once a year" news report that has some lawyer contesting the home invasion act. Here in WA, if an intruder enters your home, JUSTIFIED HOMICIDE BABY! And every year, you get the "robber invades home, gets the sh*t kicked out of him and his defense lawyer cries boo-hoo". And every year, that defense lawyer get tossed down with the "T.S., your client should of never invaded someones home".

    Some states require the intruder to be "armed", or "over the threshold" of a homes door. Heck, we had a case about 5 years ago, with some teens kicking on a door and an elderly lady shot a revolver thru here door hitting and killing one of the teens. They tried to prosecute her, didn't fly with the judge, she sued the city of Seattle, because of the invasion law she won mucho moolah.

    Lesson? For you freaks who live in WA, and feel crime does, with your life.


  • ofcmad

    First, a JW is unlikely to have a gun to kill someone. BUT, lets take this theory. If they can use the scriptures in the OT to justify their no blood stance, then they should be able to use the countless examples of the fighting and killing the Isrealites did.

    Of course, like always, they will the bend the scriptures to their own rules.


    By the way, I'm a born-againer with a gun (actually multiple guns, for self-defense.)

  • Simon

    I would not hesitate to pull the trigger if it was a choic between them and me or them and one of my family.

    When I saw the thread title I though you were going to try and arrange a 'hit' ...

  • Perry

    Does anyone know of any "hit" attempts/threats on the governing body because of their policies on blood, shunning etc??

    It seems that if already semi-crack pot people are psychologically demolished with even more isolation through shunning than what they had in the Borg, that some just might snap and starting thinking that an automatic weapon in a Tower might be an OK way to go out with a bang.

    There has been succesful assinations and attempts on the Pope, the Prez, abortion doctors etc.; and they are not nearly as abusive as the Borg. I don't mean to be an alarmist, but I think that it is entirely likely that some crack pot will get tired of "waiting on Jehovah" and then decides to help HIM out a little bit.

    I wonder if the GB ever ponders this possibility?

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    The Bible does not forbid killing, it forbids 'unlawful' killing, murder. The Organization's view is that killing in self-defense is not grounds for disfellowshipping but it may mean that you can't have special privileges, depending on the circumstances and the attitude of the congregation. At the very least, the Elders will investigate the matter.

    There is a weird statement in one article that you can defend yourself with whatever comes to hand, but not a hand gun. Figure that one out.

  • Beans

    In this situation the male protective instincts would overtake ones mind over the cults teachings!Unless your a putz!

  • Englishman

    I think that it is OK to kill Southampton fans, unless, of course, they have proved themselves to b fully repentent.


    Truth exists;only falsehood has to be invented. -Georges Braque

  • somebody
    somebody's not ok to kill me.

    Here is the almighty WBTS's instructions....

    12/15/98 watchtower

    Some people desperately seek security by arming themselves with guns. Christians, though, take seriously the words of Jesus, who said: "Those who take the sword will perish by the sword." (Matthew 26:52) God's people have 'beaten their swords into plowshares' and do not buy guns to protect themselves from robbery or assault.-Micah 4:3.

  • Simon

    Yes, the bible contains command to kill children and babies by "smashing their heads on rocks" (Psalms somewhere I think).

    What a worthless piece of trashy contradictory fiction eh?

    If it weren't for religion the book would be where it should be - banned from any decent society.

  • LB

    Not only would I feel good about killing them, I'd hope to have the opportunity to video the event for your viewing pleasure.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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