Zealous JW nails description of the governing body!

by roxanesophia 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • roxanesophia

    Recently stopped studying, and stopped in the street to talk to a JW i met during my time studying. We were sorta friends (well, in the small way JW's and worldlies can be) and here's how it went:

    Him: "Did you have a problem with someone? You can't judge the whole organization on that person and you can't expect perfection in individuals."
    (why do JW's always jump to problem with an individual when you don't want to be involved with them anymore?!)

    Me: "No, I like the people. It's the organization you listen to that i have utter contempt for and jwfacts.com opened my eyes to the truth about it."

    Him: "Ahhhh. They're the apostate websites we're always being warned against visiting. It's a shame that's what is swaying you. These people are disgruntled and left Jehovah and they're only out to make life hard for you."

    Me: "If it was the truth, the governing body wouldn't be threatened at all by any websites. The fact they're running scared and still claim to be the truth is hard for me to swallow. There would be nothing hidden that they were afraid of being uncovered. Yeah I could have just accepted the organization's teachings and be one of you by now, but sorry, common sense says you don't commit to something without a thorough background check"

    Him: "It's an instruction to ignore apostate websites because the governing body are aware that people are ignorant and easily misled."

    Me: "Ha! I bet they're aware people are gullible. They started a religion, didn't they?"

  • ziddina
    "Ha! I bet they're aware people are gullible. They started a religion, didn't they?"

    HAAAAA!!! Great comeback!!

  • meangirl

    Love it!

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    Him: "It's an instruction to ignore apostate websites because the governing body are aware that people are ignorant and easily misled."

    Me: "Ha! I bet they're aware people are gullible. They started a religion, didn't they?"


  • AwareBeing

    roxanesophia , your wonderful!

    Since your into talking to JW dubes , here's a one liner from NY...

    "Your to be commended for standing up for the faith, and telling the truth!"

  • journey-on

    Good comeback, rox.

    Anyone that says Jehovah's Witnesses are not programmed (brainwashed) are blind. Those exact words are regurgitated by every JW out there when faced with someone that chose to leave the organization......almost word for word.

  • 00DAD

    "The governing body are [sic] aware that people are ignorant and easily misled."

    I'll say they're aware, VERY AWARE!

  • jamiebowers

    You're very quick on the draw for jut being a study! Good for you!

  • LV101

    way to go --- hopefully he'll start thinking about what you said.

  • Nabeena

    Good one!

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