Wanted: A few good men

by butalbee 42 Replies latest social relationships

  • Beans

    Hey Bee:
    All guys are pigs anyway why waste your time trying to find one,the harder you look the more loosers you will find.Your time will come when you least expect it!
    Good Luck

  • tyydyy

    Only a few?!!!!! I think it's all a numbers game. You have to meet 100 men to find a good man.....and then he's probably married. At least I am. Bummer!


  • butalbee

    cellomould--bummer. I live in NY...oh well, just gonna have to dream about you from way across the globe.

    I am not passive in nature. I love to flirt, make eye contact and smile seductively at a hot man. I'm uninhibited when it comes to flirtation,...I once unbuttoned a couple buttons on my shirt to get a guys attention: he definitely took a double take.

    One main requirement for a potential man in my life: NO MORE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No way, I'd rather move to Mongolia, raise some billygoats on a mountain side, oh and a maybe a donkey or two, just to remind myself how much of an ass I am.

    Yeah, only a few, well, actually just one good man, someone sweet and kind, someone who isn't superfical, someone w/ personality more than skin deep--oh and he's gotta be excellent in bed.

    Bitter Mango--at least a woman would be easier to read. Maybe, hey, I'll never know unless I try.

    Elsewhere--I'm winking at you...


    I have a porta IV in my hand to inject antibiotics in my body/blood tests to be taken/poked to take my gluocose level -- so I will just settle for some affectionate dude to hold my hand and say I love you and not suck blood !!! IS THERE SUCH A MAN that is as good lookin as Randy Watters??

  • cellomould


    I will be dreaming of you too.


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • slipnslidemaster

    Not going for the tuna can huh?

    ok...I can take a hint.

    Note to self: Butalbee doesn't like guys with a sense of humor

    Slipnslidemaster:"Baywatch has enriched and, in many cases, helped save lives. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to continue with a project which has has such a significance for so many."
    - David Hasselhoff

  • butalbee

    Slip, hun, don't put words in my mouth.....E mail me some pics of the hung tuna, would like a preview.

  • Valis

    tyydyy, I didn't know you were married! I thought you were just one of Xena's concubines...*L*

    butalbee, sorry not much to offer here except a good spaking, lots of toys, a good massage, long dreads, an efficient tongue, and pierced naughty bits....

    I anxiously await your gracious refusal..


    District Overbeer

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel


    between you and Xena, I'm very tempted to be at the next Texas Apostofest!



  • Valis

    Pierced Angel...I'm sure there is room between me and Xena...yummy! Apostate sandwich! The pleasure would be all mine...I mean well you know what I mean..*l*


    District Overbeer

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