Testing, testing, testing.....Jehovah TESTS?

by Terry 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    I know there is knowledge that leads to everlasting life and a resurrection.

    I believe there is a real possibility of knowing The Word accurately.

    The bible (the Word) has been reexamined throughly over and over again for centuries.

    It has been evaluated accurately from whom those written words came from and understood why they were written.

    The forlorn conclusion is that the ancient Hebrews developed stories to bring a sense of relevance to their own particular god.

    Hence the new world with immortality for everyone and a resurrection, peaceful paradise etc. etc.

    For those who worshiped Yahweh well and only him, but if you happen to choose a different god for worship with selfless devotion

    Yahweh and his son are going to kill you in the most horrible way imaginable, there is documented history of this .

    Thankfully humanity has stopped waiting on the gods to make mankind's existence and living conditions better.

  • tec

    Oh... the bible is not the Word. It may contain some of the words of God and Christ, but it also may contain translation errors, scribal errors, myths, and inaccuracies, laws that were given to people because of their limitations (not because God wanted it that way).

    Christ alone is the Word of God.



  • N.drew

    Thanks! I like your post Tammy.

    I think what concerns me is the fact that the earth is being destroyed.

    Jesus came so that the world would be

    saved through him. John 3:17 http://biblos.com/john/3-17.htm

    But Christ has become a "personal" savior so that His being

    King has become somewhat useless to the Earth.

    It is like the father who had two sons. He said to one

    "go do this" the son said "I will", but he did not.

    Jesus is to follow. I believe we are to lean on each other,

    but trust in God, only. I see people trusting in themselves and in

    their relationship with the Christ. I love Jesus, but I am not so sure

    about myself that I know I understand him. Do you think he is the Father?

    I have seen people argue right on, beautifully saying, but then admit

    they see God as the son. I am so very tired of it.

    Can't people just admit they can obey God, without

    knowing what He looks like? You know, the three headed thing.

    It is disgusting and I hate it. But I appreciate you very much for

    posting back to me. Thank you and God bless!


  • N.drew

    Dear trueone, I have seen hundreds of "mirror" images

    of events and people and what the people do

    described accurately in the Bible. Just as some people in the

    "first" century saw in Jesus prophesy fulfilled I can see in the same

    way in our day prophesy fulfilled. It fits way too well to be

    coincidental events. It is real. The Bible has been examined, but

    by very few who would deny their own self for it's self.

    In other words, "let God be found true" not "let me be found true"

    That, I believe is meaning this http://biblos.com/1_john/5-19.htm

    "the whole world lies in wickedness" Wickedness isn't what

    you do, it is what you want. Is what you want, for yourself or for the least one of the earth?

    If the least one of the Earth has her way, then everybody is happy well, no?

    Or his way, if he is an orphan. That's God's job? Isn't that what religion has become?

    Let God fix it. Like the spoiled brat who says to mother "I never asked to be born".

    God is not the employee of man, man ought to be imployed to do God's will,

    then if most people were, we would finally be able to head for everlasting life.

    But most people are not, why? Because they look forward to doom.

    Do you know Satan? Tradition has it that he became envious of God. So we are left with

    two troops. Lovely. One says how long do we have to live with these who believe bull shit.

    The other troop says Satan wanted God's worship for himself. And who sees anyone

    worshipping God? You know, the real One. You want to know what I think?

  • tec


    I understand your concerns about the planet.

    I also think that the earth is much stronger than some give credit. The earth endures, and recovers, and heals itself. This is not to say that we should be doing damage to the earth, because many people suffer from carelessness and callousness. But I think the earth will recover from what damage we do.

    I am more concerned about people. But I have great respect for people who are great advocates on saving the planet. The world needs both, and many other kinds of people as well. That way, someone is trying to speak for everyone/thing that needs speaking for.

    I see people trusting in themselves and in
    their relationship with the Christ. I love Jesus, but I am not so sure
    about myself that I know I understand him.

    I have doubted myself as well. Still do, sometimes. But these words give me comfort, and some understanding:

    John 14:23

    Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him."

    Sometimes you can only do your best, and trust the consequences (good or bad) to Christ and His Father. But if Christ said this, then I believe Him, and I trust in his words.

    I actually enjoy all of John Chapter 14.

    Do you think he is the Father?

    No. I think Christ is the Son. God is the Father of Christ. I see no reason to read anything more into this. Regardless of what we believe, we can see the truth of God only through His Son.

    However, anyone who wants to know the truth should pray for understanding and truth. Not take anyone else's (including my) word for it. It is certainly not my place to judge someone else for their belief. What we DO shows what is in our heart... what we believe, not necessarily.

    Peace to you,


  • LV101

    Tammy --- question: how do you determine which parts of the bible to accept. assume you accept Christ's words but do you laboriously do research or go by what you know from other passages/scripture or what your heart tells you. i think it's so difficult to accept this/reject that.

    i find it so interesting you and Stephen --- both spiritual and followers of Christ but knew the J.W.s weren't truth.

  • DagothUr

    I think the signs during the Great Plague were more convincing than the ones we have today.

  • N.drew

    "Tammy --- question: how do you determine which parts of the bible to accept. assume you accept Christ's words but do you laboriously do research or go by what you know from other passages/scripture or what your heart tells you. i think it's so difficult to accept this/reject that.

    i find it so interesting you and Stephen --- both spiritual and followers of Christ but knew the J.W.s weren't truth." Quote by LV101 (I like the name)

    I think I did not read that in her post, that she does not "go by" the whole word. I think she said she has come to satisfactory conclusion about Jesus Christ, she need not convince herself anymore.

    It is very hard to accept or reject what applies to one's self. Sometimes reading the Bible sounds like this "are you talking to me?" Can you just imagine how funny we appear sometimes to HE who knows our heart and mind? I do not reject anything the Bible says, but much of it I do not ponder. Not pondering does not mean rejection. We all like different things. We are children with different emotional and spiritual needs. That is what is so dam baffling about the Society. Why are they making everyone the same?

  • Terry

    The idea of listening to God tell me something important is on the same level has holding out my hand as a rich relative hands me millions!

    But, if the money doesn't spend......?

    So much of what even the humblest person "hears" and follows leads to nothing at all but more of the same old same old.

    1.The same old "come quickly, Lord Jesus" searches the sky for Christ's return. The clock is still ticking on that one!

    2.The same old dark fear: Armageddon lurks in the shadows of our bedroom at night like the boogeyman.

    3.The same old job description: "Spread the Good News and the end will come" recycles the tired message as a quarter of a million new potential converts are born EVERY DAY! Talk about carrot and stick!

    4.The same old "Change your life and possess true happiness" sucks converts into local congregations where their hopeful smiles fade to black when the

    quality of day to day life swallows them up in cares.

    I pay attention to promises and guarantees while keeping a wary eye on PERFORMANCE of same.

    Christianity is perpetrating a Ponzi Scheme that promises riches while delivering precious little but the same old thing.

  • tec

    Just woke up and I have to go to work, but I'll get back to you when I'm home, LV. Just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you.



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