Do you think US will solve the debt ceiling crisis by August 2?

by Iamallcool 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Berengaria
    I know they were going after pell grants---which supports my theory that they miss manorialism and seek a peasant class.

    Oh heck yea, this is pretty straight forward since Reagan (at least, I've only been paying attention since Raygun). He gutted education, and it was about then the whole "intellectual elite" mantra that has been ingrained in them....................Think about it. Who are the traditional upstarts? The gutter poor? No, the middle class with their education and head above water ability to look further.

  • NewChapter

    Yeah, it was probably with Reagan that being smart was ELITIST. Meaning a bad thing. We are certainly suffering the results on the world stage today. How can they stand with straight faces and act like getting an education is snotty???? Oh wait, that explains Bush.

  • NewChapter

    By the way, you can't comment while on page two. Go to page one to post a comment.

    Edit. NVM. it fixed itself. I had trouble on IE and on foxfire then it just kicked in.

  • NewChapter

    Oh hey, I just found a Republican candidate for president that doesn't scare me to death. Buddy Roemer. He won't take pac money and will only accept a maximum of $100 donation from any one donor. I think he used to be a democrat. Governor of Louisiana. I still have to look at his policies and learn more about him, but he seems sane and pragmatic. It was a refreshing surprise. He doesn't seem poisoned by the tea party at all.


  • Snoozy

    Aug 1st is my Birthday..what a present that would SS check comes on the 2nd Wed..many older seniors get their check on the 3rd..we shall see.

    Keeping my fingers crossed..


  • dinah

    It's political posturing, pandering to the Tea Party base which will bite them in the ass, I suppose.

  • NewChapter

    I know Snoozy. I'm on disability. Mine comes the 3rd Wednsday. Worked hard when I could. Bought disability insurance, and they lower the benefit by whatever I get in SS. Do you think they will raise my benefit now if SS stops? I'm thinking no. They guarantee me 60% of my salary, but once SS sets in they adjust it forever. Sigh. I've been a bit tense.


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    One big problem is all the tea party screwballs, even the republican party can't get them under control. They have an unrealistic agenda and will bring everybody down. This is not a blame Obama thing it's the configuration of congress that creates no agreement and all the people who foolishly voted in all these tea party people have nobody to blame but themselves.

  • NewChapter

    Nancy I couldn't agree more. Are you famliar with Joe Walsh (not the rock star) ? He's one of those tea party congressmen that is especially vocal. His face is everywhere and he considered himself the head of the spear. He did this "outraged" youtube video where he said he would not put one more dollar of debt on HIS kids' backs. Anyway funny thing---he is $117,400 behind in child support. While being behind, he loaned his own campaign $35,000 and went on a trip to Mexico and Italy with his girlfriend. ALSO he quit paying his mortgage and his house was foreclosed on. Is it any wonder that these whack jobs don't understand the gravity of default??

  • Mad Dawg
    Mad Dawg

    First, if we are going to raise the debt limit every time we get close, why have one in the first place?

    Second, we all know that if the limit is not raised, the Fed will simply put the money press operators on overtime.

    Third, we may not like the Republican proposal, but the Dems have put ONE budget up for a vote in the past 800+ days - and that one was voted down in the Senate 97 - 0. Instead of whining and compaining, the Dems should lead. BTW, Sen Reid just obstructed his OWN bill in that he refused to allow a vote on it.

    Fourth, we do not have a revenue problem. It is a spending problem. Everything needs to be on the table for cuts - That means EVERTHING.

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