Beth Sarim

by larc 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Howdy Larc,

    When I first came to the web (1.5 yrs ago), I kept seeing references to Beth Sarim. Sounded so Middle Eastern to me, ya know? I thought those apostates were just drumming up stuff.

    Then the fateful *then* happened......then I got Randy Watters' book "Thus Saith the Governing Body" and the photocopied documents of Beth Sarim, and the newspaper clipping showing the advertisement that those who were resurrected (Abraham, David, etc.,) would have to show proof before they could claim Beth Sarim for themselves.

    Lol.........I suppose a valid driver's license or notorized birth certificate.

    Just more stupidity to add to the list. No wonder new ones are taught not to dwell too much on the past. Dirty laundry.


    ps: hope you reminisce (sp?) some more - you have lots of inside info on the situation.

  • Sky

    I used to attend conventions at the Nutter Center..

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