Does anybody on here TRULY believe in the Resurrection...and how?

by itscrap&theyknowit! 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange

    I believe in the resurrection. Otherwise, why the examples in the Bible. (I also believe in the Bible.)

  • Isidore

    Godrulz wrote:

    "Apart from the Bible, I am not sure how we can have an informed opinion on the topic."

    Read the Ante Nicene/Early Church Fathers.

  • godrulz

    60 years=ST. George. This takes some courage since if I was old and had just wasted my life on WT, I would be inclined to continue on and hope for the best. I suppose some people stay loosely associated...just in case...hoping that they would make it by the skin of their teeth.

    Isidore: it is a Catholic mistake to make tradition/Fathers on par with Scripture. The Church Fathers were unduly influenced by pagan philosophy, contradicted each other, had a mix of good, bad, ugly views. Only Scripture is authoritative. They do quote Scripture frequently, so this is another way to confirm manuscript accuracy. Are you Catholic?

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I'm 6 in one hand, and a 1/2 dozen in the other hand regarding the belief in a resurrection. However, I will say this, considering the nature of God, and His Son from whom nothing and nobody is in existance without His hand, we're all the results of their power which we can't even begin to comprehend. Our lives are an extension of God's life and His power, and its hard for us to comprehend that because we're fleshly and tend to think in fleshly ways. Life being extended in the way we comprehend is better healthcare, better quality of life, or childbirth. Those are all fleshly ways of thinking, physical, blood, sweat, and tears. The lifeforce that resides within us, is not that of ourselves but that of God. He can choose to continue that lifeforce within us, or take it away. There's a reason why God said, "Let us make man in Our image."

    We're an extention of the spirit realm, but limited in our abilities due to the flesh, and the desires that the flesh uses to war against the spirit. John recorded Jesus saying that the day will come when God will resurrect both the righteous and unrighteous, and judge them accordingly. I still make an effort to believe that, although with admittance that its difficult at times, and again its possible that my fleshly side of me is winning the war against my spiritual side. That all being said, I don't believe that the resurrection will be carbon copies or replicas of those who have lived and died in times past. No, I believe we lack understanding of God's nature, and lack the faith to believe that he can reinitiate a life to pick up where that life left off of, and continue on as if its death was merely a pause.

  • leavingwt

    Here is what some of the Indian religions say about an afterlife:

    Before dismissing these possibilities, please remember that hundreds of millions of people living today believe this.

    If you do reject these ideas, examine WHY you have done so. It can be a good mental exercise.

  • PSacramento

    Do I believe in the resurrection of the body?


    DO I believe that Christ was ressurrected and is alive today?


    What I believe is simply this:

    When we die, our spirit returns to God from where it came.

    In that spirit form we are indeed "in heaven wioth God", we are one with God and with our Lord.

    There will come a time that our spirit will return to our ressurected bodies for a New Earth.

    Since time as we know it is non-existent in "heaven", how long that takes is irrelevant.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    N.T. Wright and Marcus Borg assert that 1st century Jewish thought conceived of ressurection in a different way than we do today. The body is transformed. We are not identical copies of our physical bodies but we still exist. After a severe bout of illness, this view is comforting. There is no more proof for resurrection than proof that Jesus is God. It is faith and hope. Heaven as a place of immortal soul is not what Jesus or the apostles preached.

  • PSacramento


    Indeed, Christ himself says that our ressurected bodies will be very different than the bodies we have now.

    Personally I am hoping for a "superman" type with uber-cool flying and heat vision !!

    Hey, I can dream can't I?

  • Isidore

    "Isidore: it is a Catholic mistake to make tradition/Fathers on par with Scripture. The Church Fathers were unduly influenced by pagan philosophy, contradicted each other, had a mix of good, bad, ugly views. Only Scripture is authoritative. They do quote Scripture frequently, so this is another way to confirm manuscript accuracy. Are you Catholic?"

    I'll answer your last question first (and for the second time, because you seem to forget that you've asked this already), I am entering the Church next Easter.

    Scripture attests to tradition and refutes your position:

    1 Thessalonians 2:15 (RSV, emphasis mine)

    15 So then, brethren, stand firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or by letter.

    The onus is on you, Godrulz, to show where in the bible does it attest to the bible itself as being the sole rule of faith. Sole reliance on the bible alone (Sola Scriptura) was an unknown doctrine in Christianity for 1500 years until the Protestant Revolution. What came first, Christ's Church in Matt. 16, or sacred scripture? And remember, you wouldn't have the bible to "use" for evangelizing others on this website if it wasn't for the Catholic Church telling you what the list of books that makes up the bible are.

  • NewChapter

    godrulz got banned yesterday Isidore. Maybe he's lurking and will see your answer.


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