Any workout junkies in here?

by NomadSoul 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento

    Boxing, be it western or eastern ( Muay Thai, San shou, etc) is the HB X 1000 and the bag hitting you back, LOL !

    One good shot takes the "cardio" right out of you !

    If you really want to puke, LOL, try Tabata intervals on the HB, that'll get you going !

  • GOrwell

    I'm trying to be.. I started a P90-like (*not* p90x - nowhere near ready for that yet) program a few weeks ago, and so far it's kicking my ass suitably.. thankfully, I have no problem eating well, so hopefully the weight (and lots of it) will come off over the summer and winter..

  • NomadSoul

    I have tried full body work outs before. Maybe I'll try the split/groups now see how that works. Wish I could hit the heavy bag but I live in an apt.

  • bsmart

    I'm an old broad, but on my mom's side they dont live really long. I do water aerobic and toning, (at the Y) 4-5 days a week. Gotta keep my heart strong. It's hot here this summer, 90+ today.... The water is the only place my knees tolerate. I am looking forward to school starting again; we have to share the pool with lots of kids.

  • mummatron
    What's your workout routine?

    Currently, nothing apart from Slendertone and chasing after a 2 year old who has a bad habit of sprinting off up the street. I have diastasis recti after 2 pregnancies so I need to rehabilitate.

    I was exercise obsessed in my mid-twenties. Used to do soccer training one or twice a week, plus 3-5 gym sessions which were usually approx 15mins cardio (cross trainer if one was free) followed by 45mins weights.

  • MrDarkKnight

    My routine is 30 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of weight training four times a week.

  • BizzyBee

    I set out a few months ago to lose a few pounds by changing my metabolism. I've always worked out, stretching, weights, walking, floor work, etc., so it was a matter of increasing those activities and adding more cardio. I chose Zumba (aerobic street dancing) and kickboxing. Also started doing pilates. Usually, I did one or two one-hour classes during the day 5+ days per week plus an additional one-hour class in the evening 4 nights a week - so working out 2 - 3+ hours 5 - 6 days per week, plus 18 holes of golf a couple times per week.

    My diet is high-fiber, lots of fruit, veg, lean protein, no bread, very little starch. Gave up alcohol for 3 weeks. Nothing radical. I steadily lost a pound per week for three months - a total of 13 pounds. Here's the great part - even though I've pulled back on the exercise routine a bit (never intended to keep up that pace permanently!) and relaxed my diet a bit, I have maintained my weight loss - which is why I think I actually changed my metabolism. I will be doing this routine periodically so as to maintain the weight loss.

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