df vs disassociation

by freebird 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    I am with number6 and william on this one...if you don't believe in them anymore..why allow them any more control over your life. D/F or D/A those words don't apply to me anymore...I have left off being a JW and that says it all for me!

    PS I am sorry qadreena but I have NEVER in the 20 some odd years I have been a JW ever heard of an unbaptised publisher being D/Aed...marked as bad association yes..but D/A...no...but I guess stranger things can happen...

  • Beans

    Either way your out and free!DF sounds like more fun to me,then knowone will talk to you again.DA is good too because it makes you look smart!

  • Mr Rocky
    Mr Rocky

    I say even in you are DF'd or DA'd go ahead and talk to them. They are the ones that can't talk. At the bank, store, post office, or any other public place - ask them about their family, the wife, the kids, the dog. When they won't respond or are rude people around will wonder what's wrong with those JWs. Be sure to say loudly something like this, "Say I'm sure you DF'd me from the KH and don't let me go there anymore when all I was trying to say was something I believe is the truth." Should embarass the shit out of 'em!

    I kind of do this already myself, even though I am not DA'd or DF'd just inactive. I am well known in this small community and also have an elder as a friend who knows I have a big mouth. Elders have talked to me and by all rights could DF me at any time. But I think they believe that they should leave this 'sleeping dog lay.'

  • qadreena

    which is the reason why ive been reluctant to come on here - even people from my old congregation who were not there for the announcement have not believed me, which dpoesnt really suprise me, hardly anyone who werent there belive me, and some on here too by the looks of it


  • Xena

    I am not saying I don't believe you qadreena...that is why I qualified my remarks by saying that stranger things have happened...but you have to admit it is a bit odd...

  • qadreena

    yes its odd, was odd enough to make 2 of my friends leave the religion, odd enough to make one of them have a full blown argument (swearing included) at the back of the kingdom hall after a meeting!

    it sure is odd



  • Gopher

    Formerly, they did "disassociate" unbaptized people. Until some point in the 80's, where they realized it was a stupid policy. After all, the person never committed to be a JW anyway. Probably, they were afraid of lawsuits that would result from the policy.

    Anyhow, I hope this clears up the confusion. Xena and qadreena, I can see where you're both coming from!! Qadreena -- most people out here will trust you, believe me!

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • qadreena

    well, it was in the late '80's and the congregation was so stuck in theoir ways i expect they didnt want to let go ofd what suited them best

  • Gopher


    Your experience shows that the supposed "unity" among JW's is a farce. The elders can pretty much make up their own rules and to an extent get away with it!! Sorry to hear they went out of their way to try to make your life miserable at that point!

    But now it should be okay for JW's to talk to you... So, do they talk to you now?

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Xena

    lol Gopher thank you for being a peace maker!

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