taking the long view

by amicus 31 Replies latest social relationships

  • amicus

    Not often have I regretted being an inactive JW. Today though, I heard a true story I would have loved to use as an "effective introduction" in a talk.
    It seems two southern gentlemen were out frog gigging in a very remote area. Well, as most of you can imagine, it's hard to beat a nice evening giggin' frogs. Unfortunately a fuse in their vehicle failed, prematurely ending this outing. Alas, after a thorough search they realized no spare was available. Within a short time though, these obviously clever McGuyver's discovered that a .22 cal bullet was the same size as the failed fuse! Inserting this into the fuse holder they were soon back a-giggin'.
    What they neglected to consider was the reason the fuse failed. As you are probably now guessing, their adventure lasted only long enough for the faulty circuit to overheat to the ignition point of the gunpower in the shell casing. The bullet held by that casing was then propelled into the scrotum of one of those poor souls.

    I think this story could be a contender for inclusion among the "great intros of all time" emphasizing the importance of planning for the future as opposed to just thinking about today.

    Perhaps it's true that old public speakers never die, they just grow hoarse.

    Once I reach the state of permanently being hoarse, I suppose I'll shorten the story to "A couple of gents went out a-huntin' frogs, but only managed to bag a couple of tadpoles".

  • waiting

    Hey Amicus,

    , I heard a true story I would have loved to use as an "effective introduction" in a talk.

    Ouch.... but it would have caught the men's attention effectively, squirming around on their chairs.

    You might have been "pulled aside" by other elders after your talk, however. Bit on the "touchy" side - and way too effective at keeping us awake.


  • amicus

    You're right, of course. The subject is a bit risque. I've been on the outside for a long time.
    Probably not a good idea to interfere with anyone's nap either.

  • Prisca

    Can someone tell this naive, young girl what frog gigging is?? It sounds, painful, especially for the frog!

    btw, great story! I'm sure it would have got everyone's attention!

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    A bunch of men go out at night. They take lights with them. They go out to a river or a pond or some other body of water. They shine the lights around the water. Then they take these long sticks with points on the end and stab frogs.
    Then they have a big party and fry up the frogs and eat em'.
    It's a testosterone thing. Never saw frog giggin' but I saw fish giggin' it is a sight to see. All that raw testosterone. I think it is from the caveman time when the men had to git' the food for the wimen and chilren'.

  • mommy

    Hey I have been frog giggin before! It is great fun, yes lotsa testosterone flying around.I was just an observer.
    Just couldn't find it in my heart to eat Kermit though.

  • amicus

    I'll fess up. I've been gigging too. An okie friend of mine (as he very proudly referred to himself) took me. We used a .22 rifle though. Pop kermy in the head and quickly fish him out with a net or gigging pole (which you always take for the benefit of the occasional game warden). I remember something about having to hamstring them too prior to cooking also, or they jump out of the pan as their tendons shrink.
    Don't participate in that kind of thing anymore. Froglegs are tasty but I am quite content with a bowl of organically grown brown rice and a dash of shoyu. I don't have to worry about blown fuses either.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Oh, GACK!! Never gigged....don't think I ever want to gig. After those descriptions, the brown rice sounds WONDERFUL. Will you share?

  • claudia

    Yuch, I could never eat a frog. What does frog taste like?

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Frog legs are rather tasty if prepared properly. They ummm... I'm sorry I have to say it, taste a little bit like chicken. They are a little different texture though. White meat. Turtle is also delicious if prepared right.

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