Idle question about Abraham and Human Sacrifice

by corpusdei 63 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • NewChapter

    Ohhhh, Still Thinking. Don't cha know there is a difference between murder and righteous killing?

    LOL, Scripture101. I don't know how I ever bought this as long as I did.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Lars....maybe your Jehovah god does need to be thrown out with the bathwater....(don't know why JW's love to use that expression so much???)

    have you EVER considered that HE may not be the god you think he is? Maybe if you can switch off your watchtower brain for just one minute you might actually see that many things in the bible just aren't what they appear to be.

    Just imagine for one minute that YOU may not be right all the time.....I know its hard, but just bear with me....just consider the possibility that you may have interpreted the bible incorrectly or that the GB my have (since ultimately they are just humans and can and are often wrong)...where does that leave your beliefs? Where does that leave you? Would it make you feel very uncomfortable? Or, do you prefer the safety of a possible false certainty?

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    NewChapter....I know what you is scary when you realise how totally sucked in you can be...for some reason we are able to switch of parts of our reasoning brain when we are being told what we want to hear...

    I really am trying hard to change that....

    ***edit**** please excuse ALL the spelling and writing errors in my post above..clearly that part of MY brain is switched off today...hee hee hopefully you still get the gist

  • RHodge6685

    Reading the old testament over a dozen times over the years is what first started changing my mind about Jehovah being a loving God. It's one horror story after another. And so very, very bloody!! That story of Abraham and Isaac is horrible, and goes right along with the human sacrifice beliefs and practices of the time. I can't believe I used to believe those stories in the Bible portrayed a loving God. After really considering it, and looking more objectively at what I was actually reading, I came to feel that it really is showing the complete opposite. The Bible itself made me believe that Jehovah is just one of many tribal, pagan gods from the ancient world, with similar, horrible stories that all those religions had.

  • unshackled

    Let's say a news story broke today that a father told his oldest son he must sacrifice the youngest son in order to show his loyalty to him. And without some emotional duress the son complied, but at the last second the father stopped him. Would the public response be apologetic and say: "ahhh, but notice he did not allowhim to kill the youngest son, how wonderful"?

    Don't think that needs answering. You gotta wonder why some hold their almighty god to such lower standards.

  • poopsiecakes
  • pontoon

    I've said on another thread that Abraham/Isaac story is one of the bible stories I was never able to be OK with. Kill my son? Can't do it, take me instead.

  • unshackled

    poopsie...welcome. And it just occurred to me that you could be the OUTLAW-of-animated-gifs. I need to find my own schtick.


    ( ^ whadya think...a start maybe?)

  • snowbird
  • Quarterback

    Sacrifices. Doesn't it tell us in Genesis that Adam and Eve sacrificed their/childrens possibilities to live forever. Fast forward to Abraham and we see something that Abraham was asked to do for a demonstration of faith. The account tells us that his faith/love for God was proven strong.

    One would argue that Abraham's God was no different that the Pagon gods that demanded the same thing in the nations at that time. The society has taught that this drama was symbolic of Jesus sacrifice that was necessary to redeem mankind.

    This perhaps maybe viewed as a cruel test by some, but, parents face trials with their children all the time today. There is the trial of trusting the Dr to do the right thing when your child needs a medical operation. No operation is 100 % safe. Yet, we have faith in the medical system to heal our child.

    Let's face the fact here. The difference be Abraham's God and the nations gods is that Jehovah stopped the sacrifice. It wasn't carried through. Jehovah knew the kind of faith Abraham had, but we would have never known, neither would the angels, or Satan.

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