You Know - Your Wrong

by Amazing 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • You Know
    You Know


    No, I really don't know what you think we should be doing while waiting for the next "tribulation"

    The Bible's counsel is to stay in expectation of Jehovah. That's what I try to do and that's what I try to get others to do. For example Isaiah 30:18b says: "For Jehovah is a God of judgment. Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him."

    I hope you're not implying that we all should see that the only way to survive the next crisis (whatever it may be) is to join the rank of the magazine peddlers called Jehovah's Witnesses?
    Well, you may have a jaundiced opinion of the Watchtower, and that's certainly understandable given prolonged exposure to the level vehement hatred of the Watchtower by apostates. But, the fact is that the Watchtower has served its purpose by introducing millions of people to the worship of the only true God---Jehovah. And because of the Watchtower's tutelage in that regard many of these millions have been aided to develop a real personal relationship with Jehovah God, through Christ.

    Not only has the Watchtower been instrumental in fostering that precious relationship in the hearts of its readers, but they have also brought sharply into focus the great issues having to do with Jehovah's sovereignty and man's integrity. The reason that is important is that a stage has been set, legally establishing if you will, for God's kingdom to intrude into human affairs in a very big way. The shortcomings of the Watchtower institution in no nullifies the good that it has accomplished by instilling genuine faith in the hearts of many of Jehovah's Witnesses. Ultimately, the keeping in expectation of Jehovah even during the tribulation will allow each individual to personally demonstrate their faith without the Watchtower being their to hold their hand. / You Know

  • Celia

    I shouldn't even be answering anymore, I have my opinion, you have yours, and I'm certainly not trying to make you change your mind, if you're happy, fine...

    The shortcomings of the Watchtower institution in no [way] nullifies the good that it has accomplished by instilling genuine faith in the hearts of many of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The shortcomings of the Catholic Church in no way nullify the good it has accomplished (for the last 2000 years) by instilling genuine faith in Jesus Christ in the hearts of billions of Catholics.
    ...and the Catholich Church is helping less fortunate people all over the world with its hospitals, food kitchen, schools, etc

    You admit yourself that the Watch Tower literature publishes stuff that is not always right and even entirely wrong, and dangerous.
    Why would you push people to go out and distribute these lies and half truths ?

  • larc

    You Know,

    On several occasions, I have asked for further detail regarding the empirical underpinnings for LaRouche's productivity curve. Since you have not offered any and I can not find any, I reached the following conclusion. This theory does not have the necessary empirical framework to support it. In short, his assertions can not be verified. His theory lacks the depth needed for a thorough examination. The theory fails to meet the most rudementory requirments of science. It is all rhetoric and that is all it is. Furthermore, the conclusions of the theory fly in the face of everyday observations, which I demonstrated quite completely in previous dialogues with you.

  • You Know
    You Know


    The shortcomings of the Catholic Church in no way nullify the good it has accomplished (for the last 2000 years) by instilling genuine faith in Jesus Christ in the hearts of billions of Catholics.

    That's exactly what judgment day is going to sort out. We will see if Catholics actually do possess genuine faith. Anyone can claim anything. In fact, people do make the claim that they believe in God and Jesus and so forth. The Scriptures make it clear though that God considers most claims to be fraudulent. Therefore, to demonstrate that, God has made provision to allow a great tribulation to make a test of people's claims. That's what Jesus was referring to at Revelation 3:9, where he assured his true followers, saying: "I will keep you from the hour of test, which is to come upon the entire inhabited earth, to put a test upon those dwelling upon the earth." Elsewhere, Paul noted that God's judgment would be like a fire that burns up hay and stubble, which represents the inadequate faith of those claiming to be Christians, whereas the gold and silver represents the faith the survives being put into the furnance. So you had better be absolutely sure of your faith going in or else you are not going to make it. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know


    On several occasions, I have asked for further detail regarding the empirical underpinnings for LaRouche's productivity curve. Since you have not offered any and I can not find any, I reached the following conclusion.

    If you are interested in that sort of thing you know where his web site is, you should go and figure it out. It is not my mission to educate you in American System economics. Judging by the depth of ignorance you demonstrated in regards to some basic facts regarding how the financial system operates, and your failure to even acknowledge that I answered your questions, after you taunted me and accused me of being dishonest, I would say that you lack the humility to admit that you were wrong and that you don't know what you are talking about. You are merely trying to save face with this nonsense that LaRouche lacks credibility. / You Know

    / You Know

  • Celia
    That's exactly what judgment day is going to sort out. We will see if Catholics actually do possess genuine faith. Anyone can claim anything. In fact, people do make the claim that they believe in God and Jesus and so forth. The Scriptures make it clear though that God considers most claims to be fraudulent.

    There are "bad" Catholics and there are "bad" JWs...
    I agree 100 % with you here.
    God will be the judge.
    And He won't judge us by looking if we were worshipping in a Catholic Church or in a Kingdom Hall...
    It's all in our actions toward others.

  • larc

    You Know,

    I didn't ask for an education, I asked for a single reference, not some private tutoring on your part. You are very verbose on many subjects, but strangely silent on this one. Regarding LaRouche, I have spent considerable time reviewing many of his writings. I have done a search on his web site on the subject of productivity, and I can find nothing of any depth. Now, I asked for information on two subjects, productiviey and LaRouch's Columbia connection. You found information on Columbia in short order, but have shown nothing on the empirical underpinnings of the productivity curve. Now, when you can't provide information, your fall back position is to hurl insults. I will not exchange these in kind. Rather, I will stick to a rational discussion of facts and ideas.

  • You Know
    You Know
    It's all in our actions toward others.

    No, that's not it. People will be judged by how the react DURING the tribulation. That's the point. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know


    I asked for a single reference, not some private tutoring on your part. You are very verbose on many subjects, but strangely silent on this one.

    I wasn't silent. I explained to you that productivity is not measured in terms of dollars or even man hours. LaRouche's formula for determining actual productivity measures something entirely different. It takes into consideration dozens of things that go into making a complex economy function. Things like education, the number of teachers per classroom and that sort of thing. It measures physical infrastructure, which I provided you with several links to engineers' assesments of the nations infrastructure, or lack of it, also the governments own assesment of the lack of energy producing infrastructure. For you to say that I was silent, you are either being dishonest or you are not capable of grasping the concept put forward. / You Know

  • Celia
    No, that's not it. People will be judged by how the react DURING the tribulation. That's the point.

    Say, what ?

    Please explain to me then, what about all the billions of people who died over the centuries, their only Tribulation was their own death...
    Which, of course, I believe is the only tribulation that we'll all ever know and have to face...

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