You Know - Your Wrong

by Amazing 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • larc

    You Know,

    LaRouche did not say there were dozens of factors. He said there were seven categories or factors. I showed clearly that actual productivity has more than doubled over the past 35 years. I addressed the subject of the infrastructure, where the results are mixed. I read the report from the American Society of Civil Engineers before you brought it to my attention. I am well aware of it contents and conclusions. This does not change the fact that LaRouche does not provide a metric for these factors, either within them or between them. His discussion of productivity is full of vague assertions, half truths, untestable hypotheses, over statements, exagerations, and misleading statements. In short, he is a demogue, with no scientific proof whatsoever, and you are his cult follower.

  • Celia

    YouKnow, what an interesting discussion...

    So you had better be absolutely sure of your faith going in or else you are not going to make it.

    What you say here implies that the "tribulation" of tribulations is going to happen in our life time...
    "The end of this wicked system of things"...
    Do you really believe it ?

  • plmkrzy

    I know a lot of people who whole heartedly believe that. I use to.
    Don't know anymore.

  • You Know
    You Know
    What you say here implies that the "tribulation" of tribulations is going to happen in our life time..."The end of this wicked system of things"...Do you really believe it ?

    Of course I believe it. All the evidence is there that we are facing the end of this system. The global financial system is in the process of collapsing. It is hard to see how it can hold together another year. The nations are gearing up for war. You've got terrorists with weapons of mass destruction. There is ferment and apathy among Jehovah's ministers. And the very fact that there is even a growing apostasy among Jehovah's Witnesses is one of the most outstanding evidences that Jehovah's judgment is imminent. / You Know

  • Celia
    It is hard to see how it can hold together another year.

    It reminds me of a quote by CT.Russel, in 1894 I believe....
    "can it be delayed until 1914" or something like that...

  • You Know
    You Know
    It reminds me of a quote by CT.Russel, in 1894 I believe....
    "can it be delayed until 1914" or something like that...

    That's bascially the reasoning of the apostate movement. It's like a guy who was diagnosed with life threatening diabetes, and yet he goes his own way and doesn't make any dietary changes. Everythings fine, or so he claims. He reviles the doctor as being a quack. But eventually his feet get infected. So, they amputate his one foot, then the other from diabetic gangrene. All the while the guy is cursing his doctor and saying that he hasn't died yet. Then he goes blind from his blood running as thick as syrup. Still, he ridicules his doctors diagnosis claiming that he's doing fine. Finally comes the stroke. Yet the poor blinded fellow doesn't quiet get it. / You Know

  • Celia

    Dear YouKnow,
    That's it for now about this subject...
    I don't believe Armageddon is "just around the corner",
    I will die, of old age, I hope,
    You will die of old age too, I hope,
    and so will our children, their children, etc...
    There is no vengeful God just waiting for the right moment to slaughter us all...

  • You Know
    You Know
    There is no vengeful God just waiting for the right moment to slaughter us all...

    No, there's not. But, there are wicked men who are so disposed, and demons too! And they are very patient. / You Know

  • Celia

    Argh !
    I must say something else...

    ...wicked men who are so disposed

    Ok, now you're talking about something else ; There are always been wicked men who have made life miserable for other people, and there probably always will be.
    I thought we were talking about "the end of the world", when Jesus comes back and gets rid of all the wicked of this world.

    That's also something that seems confusing.... It is jesus who is supposed to come back, not a god called Jehovah, isn't it ?
    That's what Christians believe and are waiting for, no, the second coming of Christ ???

  • You Know
    You Know
    There are always been wicked men who have made life miserable for other people, and there probably always will be. I thought we were talking about "the end of the world", when Jesus comes back and gets rid of all the wicked of this world.

    The so-called end of the world is not when Jehovah just shows up one fine day, as if out of a clear blue sky, and starts slaughtering innocent people. The great tribulation is a human catastrophe. It will occur as a result of centuries of human greed and stupidity. Jehovah long ago foretold that human rule would ultimately wind up imploding upon itself in a ghastly genocidal nightmare. That's what the tribulation is going to be. Jehovah intervenes at the conclusion, after it has been demonstrated beyond the ability of the ridiculers to deny, that human rulership is a disaster. That's what Daniel is talking about at Daniel 11:44, where he foretells that the king of the north will "certainly go forth in a great rage in order to annihilate and to devote many to destruction." Over in the 12th chapter, just a few verses over, it makes mention that that is the great tribulation, and that DURING that time Michael, the great prince, will destroy the king of the north. That's Armageddon. / You Know

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