"Banned in Brooklyn"

by Quendi 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillin

    I read Tolkein in my school years. Brought the DVD home and my wife had a cow. No more Wizard of Oz. Her reading tastes are mostly page-turners; chapters about three sentences long (I'm exaggerating, but you get the idea) and a really bad guy and a really good guy and the really good guy always wins. End of story.

    I figure it's better than not reading at all, and after having read something particularly "heavy" I will lighten up with one of those.

    Vonnegut! I read whatever he wrote until he left the room! A real literary treasure, he was.

    i read science (for lay people) and literature, mostly fiction. Some writers, it wouldn't matter what the story line was. It's the mental pictures and the way things are being said that keep me reading. I have come to appreciate Historical Fiction. I can learn something about past times with a little sugar coating to keep it alive. Ken Follett is a good example, I think.

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