viewing porn makes you demonised!

by highdose 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PSacramento

    For some people porn can be very "dangerous", people with addictive personalities for example.

    Of course one can say that about Sports, smoking, drinking, gambling, etc. pretty much anything that can be addictive.

    I know couples that enjoy porn together for example, not to "start the engine" sort of speaking but because they enjoy the "semi-voyerestic" aspect of it.

    As Christ said, it is not what goes IN a person but what comes OUT, the poisons them.

    That said, there are some people that are effected adversily by porn, that view sex as "porn" as opposed to "love making", that view women as "hump toys" as opposed to loving equal partners.

    Of course those people and their type have ALWAYS been around, even before mainstream porn, and have always "acted out" those views anyways.

  • Robdar

    Also any porn sold and marketed in the US has to be cataloged and filed under federal rules.

    But that doesn't apply to the internet.

  • curiouscynic

    When I was a kid, porn magazines were about the only way you were likely to see a woman naked. With any regularity at least. When I started having sex, there was no need for porn.

    then the interwebs come along with the promise of all the free dirty pictures and movies on any variety of subjects you could possibly imagine. I played around with online porn for a while, it was a novelty. I introduced my wife to porn and we watched some together to spice things up a bit. There are things we probably never would have tried if it weren't for porn (you know what I mean). But we both got tired of it.

    We have sex (pretty much) every day and an occasional 3some. Who needs porn??

    Most of the guys I know who look at a lot of porn have damaged their taste in women, IMO. My wife is 37 and we have a kid. She's fit and has DD fake boobs (kid stole the originals), so I'm not complaining... but it'd be hard for any woman to compete with 19 year old surgically enhanced bodies with flattering lighting and camera angles. A guy spends too much time watching that stuff and a REAL woman isn't going to look good enough in comparison to the airbrushed 2D versions. That's my .02

  • Robdar

    Ted Bundy: I'm no social scientist, and I don't pretend to believe what John Q. Citizen thinks about this, but I've lived in prison for a long time now, and I've met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence. Without exception, every one of them was deeply involved in pornography - deeply consumed by the addiction. The F.B.I.'s own study on serial homicide shows that the most common interest among serial killers is pornographers. It's true.

    Ted Bundy: In the beginning, it fuels this kind of thought process. Then, at a certain time, it is instrumental in crystallizing it, making it into something that is almost a separate entity inside.

    Sounds like possession to me.

  • DaCheech

    In the late 80's I was doing an engineering job in Ambrosia Chocolate, in Milwaukee............. I had lunch on the same table as Jeffrey Dahmer..........

    I also watch porn (maybe once a week) I guess I'm headed to raping and eating people!

  • DaCheech

    Rob, I'm sure you're right, but I'm also right!

    Just like food, and many activities................ moderation is the key.

    addiction can be devastating (even food)

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    you all are strangly enough making me a bit curious about porn. I've never watched just cuz well I was a JW... My hubby and I talked about it last night

    but that just led to the real thing....

  • DaCheech

    "roving eyes" are circling you

  • Robdar

    I agree, DaCheech, that moderation is the key. I've certainly seen my share of "stuff" (that I wont go into on this forum) and I've never gotten addicted. But I do know people who are addicted. I guess we are all vulnerable to things, I'm just not vulnerable to a porn addiction.

  • DaCheech

    FYI, the jeffrey dahmer encounter was real

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