viewing porn makes you demonised!

by highdose 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tenyearsafter

    I like the idea of a live demonstration of the "sin" for the JC...

  • sizemik
    (and yes, I'm sure there's a lot of groaning in the movie too)

    I have no idea BP . . . I've only ever heard about it . . . honest.

  • baltar447

    So how is this coming out? I guess the wives are ratting out their husbands?

  • minimus

    Here I am Roving about the earth .

  • yourmomma

    I remember that whole thing as a kid "porn" or "masterbation leads to homosexuality". And I remember thinking "How in the world would that make me a homosexual?" I couldnt imagine what would happen to make me all of a sudden want to be gay. But its from the "faithful slave" so it has to be true. LOL Once I got older I realized that whoever wrote that is a nut, or maybe (and it seems like this is the case with alot of homophobes) maybe the person who wrote that was dealing with their own homosexual feelings. Its sad that there are alot of people inside the watchtower who are gay, and think their feelings are bad or defiling. I mean there are some people who are gay who stay in the watchtower for life. thats sad.

  • sd-7

    So what is it about looking at a picture or movie that shows sex that makes it so evil? What goes through your head when you read, "And Jacob had relations with Rachel"? Come on. The mental image that shows up is gonna be porn in itself, right?

    I remember that 'Your Youth' book chapter. After it became clear to me that I liked girls, I went ahead and skipped over the section in the book about homosexuality. I mean, I wasn't thinking about boys when I 'cleaned my pipes', okay? And wasn't about to start, either.

    Anyway, it depends on who you talk to--everything's demonized to some people.


  • RagingBull

    How would they know anything about it unless they've viewed it themselves. The brothers KNOW I like porn. They're just scared to ask if I still view it I guess.

    I've felt more "POSSESSED" at meetings and field service than at home on my PC. LOL

    King David was watching Bathsheeba taking a that's voyeurism for your a$$ right there! LOL

  • RagingBull

    And I actually think being a hardass C.O., Elder, or GB member makes you a pedo. They protect them, so who's really possessed by demons?

  • daringhart13


    Do you know where I can find that quote on porn leading to homosexuality?? That is hilarious!!

  • curiouscynic

    My mom [a born-in JW, whose father was a born-in JW] always told me that viewing pornography and/or masturbation would lead to homosexuality. When I told her that was ridiculous she would say that it taught you self-gratification and if you didn't become a homosexual you would be a selfish lover.

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