viewing porn makes you demonised!

by highdose 77 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mariemcg

    Talking about settings; how about being spit roasted by 2 elders in a judicial hearing??? lol

  • Robdar

    Porn is not harmless. You can become addicted to it. And, like any other addiction, it can isolate you from others and lead to devastating consequences in your personal life.

    If you do a little research, you will find that a porn addiction is usually a masturbation addiction. Some (men and women) have lost their jobs because they have wanked themselves to the point of exhaustion and can't report to work. Or, when at work, they can't stop thinking about wanking and so cannot focus on the task at hand (no pun intended).

    Also, most people who are addicted to masturbation cannot function in a loving relationship because, like most addictions, it stems from a fear of intimacy.

    IMO, porn and masturbation are the lazy person's way of dealing with things. Afterall, you have to be clever to deal with a partner.

    Psychologists call it an addiction while religious people call it possession. I don't see a difference because a monkey (demon) on your back is still a monkey (demon) on your back.

  • EntirelyPossible

    I have wanked to the point of passing out. Who knew that masturbation combined with 5 minutes of porn at 3 am, 4 beers, 3 whiskys, 2 martinis and 6 glasses of wine would be SO exhausting as to make me pass out.

    Damn penis.

  • thetrueone

    Todays porn has some filthy crude rebellious overtones to it that is done so because of the intensional targeting

    toward young males. ( adolescence)

    For majority of people that view this stuff, the appreciative interest wanes itself out of eventually.

    Does viewing this material develop unhealthy sexual attitudes, for a small segment of the population probably

    for the majority probably not.

  • botchtowersociety
    I have wanked to the point of passing out. Who knew that masturbation combined with 5 minutes of porn at 3 am, 4 beers, 3 whiskys, 2 martinis and 6 glasses of wine would be SO exhausting as to make me pass out.

    Scotch is deadly.

  • Robdar

    Does viewing this material develop unhealthy sexual attitudes, for a small segment of the population probably

    for the majority probably not.

    Actually, it's a bigger problem than you would think. I know I was rather surprised. I've heard estimates that up to 50% of men are addicted. But I think you have to take that stat with a grain of salt since psychologists love to make money off "addictions." However, I have known a couple of porn/sex addicts. I've seen them suffer on so many levels.

  • DesirousOfChange

    A neighboring congregation just lost a ministerial servant and another congregation has put a baptized brother is on restrictions due to porn. I know we often talk about apostacy being the GB's main concern with the internet, but we may be mistaken, because online porn is hurting them pretty bad right now.

    It's my understanding now that a brother in responsible position that admits to having a problem with porn can keep his position and it is a matter of just counsel from one elder. Similar to the change several years ago if one got drunk and there was no notoriety -- one elder counsel and don't do it get caught again. From reliable sources I heard of a "prominent" elder who was called out for porn at his place of work and it was reported to his congregation by fellow JW in IT dept. No punitive action beyond don't do it get caught again.


  • Snoozy

    It's true! Just put a piece of cake in front of an overeater or a bottle of beer in front of an alcoholic..

    Out of sight out of mind.

    The more you see the more you want.

    It's called an addiction..

    There is also a big difference between having sex and making love..and I can see how some would say it (porn)could make you a selfish lover.

    I think many just settle for sex because they can't find love..

    I also believe the bible got at least that one thing right..moderation in all things is the way to go.


  • DaCheech

    I personally think that men are less aggressive due to the fact that they relieve themselves!

    there are plenty of men I know that cannot meet women due to: income, looks, presence

    porn and masturbation are the only way they can take care of natures urges

  • Botzwana

    Get a realdoll....You do not even have to take her out to dinner...

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