How honest is the Watchtower (about its own history)?

by Fernando 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Here are some changes from before 1914 and then after.

    Studies in the Scriptures, 1914

    See how some sentences in "Studies in the Scriptures" differs depending from year of publication. All quoted sentences are found in publications from the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

    - Uppercases and other characters are original. Bold, underline and color is added.

    Studies in the Scriptures - Volume II
    editions before 1914editions after 1914
    The full end of the times of the Gentiles, i.e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that dat will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men. (p. 76-77, 1908)The full end of the times of the Gentiles, i.e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that dat will see the desintegration of the rule of imperfect men. (p. 76-77, 1916)
    At that date the Kingdom of God... will obtain full, universal control , and it will then be "set up", or firmly established, in the earth, on the ruins of present institutions. (p. 77, 1908)At that date the Kingdom of God... will begin to assume control , and it will then shortly be "set up", or firmly established, in the earth, on the ruins of present institutions. (p. 77, 1916)
    Some time before the end of A.D. 1914 the last member of the divinly recognized Church of Christ... will be glorified with the Head. (p. 77, 1908)Some time before the end of the overthrow the last member of the divinly recognized Church of Christ... will be glorified with the Head. (p. 77, 1916)
    Their "reign" of righteousness over the world can date only from A.D. 1914 . (p. 81, 1908)Their "reign" of righteousness over the world could not precede A.D. 1915 . (p. 81, 1916)
    The "Times of the Gentiles"... will run fully out with the year A.D. 1914, and at that time they will all be overturned and Christ’s Kingdom fully established. (p. 170, 1908)The "Times of the Gentiles"... will run fully out with the year A.D. 1914, and at that time they will be overturned* and Christ’s Kingdom fully established.

    * How long it will require to accomplish this overturning we are not informed, but have reasons to believe the period will be "short." (p. 170, 1916)
    Both of these ripenings (Rev. 14:1-4, 18-20) will be completed in a period of forty years, ending with the year A.D. 1914 . (p. 171, 1908)Both of these ripenings (Rev. 14:1-4, 18-20) will be completed in a period of forty years, ending with the year A.D. 1915 . (p. 171, 1916)
    The Jew will not be received back into full favor until A.D. 1914 . (p. 221, 1908)The Jew will not be received back into full favor until after 1915 . (p. 221, 1916)
    The present governments must all be overturned about the close of A.D. 1914 . (p. 242, 1908)The present governments must all be overturned about the close of A.D. 1915 . (p. 242, 1916)


    Studies in the Scriptures - Volume III
    editions before 1914editions after 1914
    That the deliverance of the saints must take place some time before 1914 is manifest. (p. 228, 1908)That the deliverance of the saints must take place very soon after 1914 is manifest. (p. 228, 1916)
    Just how long before 1914 the last living members of the body of Christ will be glorified, we are not directly informed. (p. 228, 1908)Just how long after 1914 the last living members of the body of Christ will be glorified, we are not directly informed. (p. 228, 1916)
    Let us remember that this date limit - A.D. 1914 - must not only witness the completion of the selection and trial and glorification of the entire body of Christ, but it may also witness the purifying of some of that larger company of consecrated believers. (p. 364, 1908)Let us remember that this date limit - A.D. 1914 - may not only witness the completion of the selection and trial and glorification of the entire body of Christ, but it may also witness the purifying of some of that larger company of consecrated believers. (p. 364, 1916)


    Studies in the Scriptures - Volume IV
    editions before 1914editions after 1914
    We have seen that God has a set time for every feature of his plan, and that we are even now in this "Day of Vengeance," which is a period of forty years; that it began in October, 1874, and will end in October, 1914 ... The great events predicted in the Scriptures... are already overshadowing the world, and are as sure to come as they are foretold: and seventeen years would seem to be abundant space for their full accomplishment. (p. 546-547, 1897)We have seen that God has a set time for every feature of his plan, and that we are even now in this "Day of Vengeance," which is a period of forty years; that it began in October, 1874, and will end very shortly ... The great events predicted in the Scriptures... are already overshadowing the world, and are as sure to come as they are foretold. A very few years would seem to be abundant space for their full accomplishment. (p. 546-547, 1915)
    Every item predicted had begun to be fulfilled at that date (1880); the "harvest" or gathering time beginning October 1874; the organization of the Kingdom and the taking by our Lord of his great power as the King in April 1878, and the time of trouble or "day of wrath" which began October 1874 and will end October 1914 . (p. 604, 1897)Every item predicted had begun to be fulfilled at that date (1880); the "harvest" or gathering time beginning October 1874; the organization of the Kingdom and the taking by our Lord of his great power as the King in April 1878, and the time of trouble or "day of wrath" which began October 1874 and will cease about 1915 . (p. 604, 1915)
    (Zionist) Conventions... meet year by year to put in practical shape the proposal for the reorganization of a Jewish state in Palestine. The buds will thrive, but will bear no perfect fruit before October 1914 - the full end of "Gentile Times ." (p. 604, 1897)"unchanged"
    (p. 604, 1915)


  • LostGeneration

    Some good stuff found at this source:

    Compare these first two quotes against the last three

    We see no reason in changing the figures - nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble.
    The Watchtower July 15, 1894 p. 226
    …the full end of the times of the Gentiles, i.e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men.
    The Time Is At Hand 1889 p. 76-77.

    Revelation - Its grand Climax At Hand! (1989) p.105
    From the mid-1870's, Jehovah's people had been anticipating that catastrophic events would start in 1914 and would mark the end of the Gentile Times.

    The Watchtower 1990 10/15 p. 19
    For 38 years prior to 1914, the Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then called, pointed to that date as the year when the Gentile Times would end. What outstanding proof that is that they were true servants of Jehovah!

    Our Incoming World Government (1977) p. 131
    Ever since the year 1876 those who became associated with the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and the International Bible Students Association had been publicly declaring that the Gentile Times would terminate in early autumn of 1914.

  • Essan

    Great quotes Lost Generation. They demonstrates three types of falsehood that the Society commonly employs.

    1 - Lies.

    2. Half-truths.

    2 - Intentional coverup.

    The First quote is a lie. The early JW's had absolutely NOT been anticipating that catastrophic events would "start" in 1914. The opposite is true: they were anticipating - and preaching - that these catastrophic events would be all OVER by 1914.

    The second and third quotes both include half-truths (which the Society itself has condemned as lying...when others do it) and cover ups. It's a half truth to say that the early JW's pointed to 1914 as the end of the Gentile times, because while technically true, they don't inform the reader that the significance of the phrase "The Gentile Times" was totally different for them compared to the modern JW teaching. So the reader is mislead into thinking that the teachings are the same. They also fail to mention in the quotes what else they were preaching for 1914. They mention only that which seems to reflect well on them (which depends on misleading the reader) and totally fail to mention those many things they preached which reflect badly on them, because they were false.

    Basically, they are practiced liars.

  • simon17

    Lost Generation... unfortunately the WT can get off on a technicality because they did say the end of the gentile times would occur in 1914. Its just that virtually everything they said the end of the gentile times MEANT, didn't happen. When none of the events they predicted did happen in 1914 (besides the lucky chance of a World War), they simply said the results did happen invisibly. Genius! So they were right after all.

  • cantleave

    Shameless self promotion again!

  • Alfred

    It is a well known fact that John Aquila Brown played with some numbers in 1823 until he came up with 2,520 years (Gentile Times)...

    But the Governing Body has repeatedly claimed that this bizarre calculation actually originated with the Bible Students in the 1870's...

    Regarding the 2,520 years that supposedly ended in 1914, here'e what a GB member said in the 2010 DVD "Faith In Action":

    "The fact that they were able to pinpoint that year is just phenomenal" -Anthony Morris, Governing Body

  • 00DAD


  • Sic Semper Tyrannis
    Sic Semper Tyrannis

    The "Proclaimers" book was by WT standards the closest thing that the Society came to being truthful about their history. However, it is not chronological and therefore the admissions of some of the early failed prophecies get scattered throughout the book. It seemed to be some sort of answer to Franz's books. After Ray released the famous 'Christmas at Bethel' picture, they used the same one and used it to demonstrate how righteous Rutherford was for purging such a pagan tradition. What it didn't note was that Rutherford himself was sitting right in the center of the celebration.

    I'd be curious to read the next "history" book they put out about themselves and see how they handle the UN fiasco, the generations change, and the child abuse allegations.

  • thetrueone

    The WTS,. has always been GREAT speculative bullshitters , the reason behind this of course is to attract the publics attention to its literature.

    The only odd and unusual aspect of this is that comes packaged up and presented as religious virtuosity.

    The WTS. with all of its long list of head editorial writers falsely sensationalized doctrines to evoke their own self empowerment and identity as being

    god's specially chosen organization. The majority of the public can see through these pretentious lies, some unfortunately are unable to.

  • thetrueone

    The ironic thing that comes about now after 100 years of postulating their own identify is that they are forced to lie or twist the Truth

    to make themselves appear wholesome to their adherents today.

    The WTS's own history leaves open the question .... which religion is the false religion ?

    Can a religious publishing house be accused of being false religion ?

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