Why are Pantsuits not appropriate according to The Watchtower?

by VM44 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    In formal corporate attire, pantsuits are forbidden. They are considered too casual. Law, pharma reps, bankers - must wear skirtsuits.

    I don't think pantsuits look that nice. You need a better figure than for a skirt suit. A lot depends on the tailoring quality, too.

    They are much more functional and cover up the body more than skirts.

    They take "wearing the trousers in the family" seriously. I'd love to know who makes these nitwit decisions. Clearly, not women. Rather than skirts or paints, they should focus on modesty. Pantsuits seem ideal for service work.

    Hillary drives me crazy. They are so crass for the secy' of state, representing the US of America. Madeleine Albright did not wear pants publicly. She indulged herself with fantastic, large brooches.

    The merits of pansuits vs. skirtsuits are not that important to me. Not as many women wear suits as when I started practicing. Muted colors, conservative jewelry. I love the look. When I'm not working, I love bright colors and drama.

    Neat bluejeans in dark wash would look better than many dresses and skirts. OUr genitilia and brains give us our gender. Katherine Hepburn, Audrey Jepburn trousers would look wonder with a black lizard belt.

    Do we critique their suits? Men wearing brown suits drives me crazy. Few business men wear white shirts, outside of the Geek Squad. Someone is lost in the fifties.

  • luna2

    The WTS has a tough time with this as the bible can't really address current fashions....and fashions change all the time. I think they settle for what was considered appropriate back in the 1960s based on what Donna Reed and June Cleaver wore on The Donna Reed Show and Leave it To Beaver.

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    BandOnTheRun: In formal corporate attire, pantsuits are forbidden. They are considered too casual. Law, pharma reps, bankers - must wear skirtsuits.

    Are you kidding? I work at the crossroads of Law/Health Care/Finance and I can assure you that the most senior lawyers, doctors and finance executives wear pantsuits whenever they damn well please.... and even to the meetings of the governing body of this health care institution. The male executives also frequently wear brown suits and many sport rather beautiful, well kept beards.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Mormons have temple underwear. I thought is was a joke until I read wikipedia. There is one other religoin in the States, well, one state, that is as wacky as the Witnesses. I find it even weider than an angel would appear with a book equal to the Bible in upstate NY. I don't understand how Joseph Smith found one follower.

    The JWs seems so traditoinal in comparison.

    Marlene Dietrich looked so fine in her black, very tailored pansuit based on menswear. I can see her lighting her cigarette with her eyebrows so arched. I love menswear adapted for women. My favorite is breaking the severity of a man suit with lace or a soft scarf.

    I had a job interviewing NYC inmates for allegations of brutality by the officers. Pants were a requirement. The warden would not admit a woman wearing clothes. I would write my usual rant about inequality of the sexes but the men's rules are also bizarre.

    They are stagnant. Corporate men's rules have changed since the 1950s. Bethelites stand out on the subway sytem b/c of their dress. No one dresses that way. BLack Muslims did once, the same black pants with white shirt and skinny tie. I would think investment bankers, lawyers, and CEOs would be their standard. I do believe a tailored business appearance conveys a message of respect. They are slightly ahead of the Wild West.

    I could write tomes about the treatment of women.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Hillary and her pantsuits. No one wears those pantsuits any more. They look like polyster and the peachy colors are a throwback to the 1970s. I see Hillary as saying I don't give a damn. The same way with her lack of hair styling. In my view, she never was a fashion leader. More of a disaster.

    Yet I relish her I don't give a damn. We don't sit and analyze what male politicians wear. Her message and her position should be more important than her clothes.

    I love the way Michelle dresses. My only criticism would be that she is sleeves a bit much.

    It is a good thing I left the Witnesses as a teenager the first chance I could leave without being beaten to a pulp. If I were serious about staying in, the interactions between the elders and me would a riot. People comment about how I cope with illegitimate authority. I can be so furious at a boss. Simultaneously, I chuckle because these people are unsued to someone like me. I already wrecked my revenge.

  • MrFreeze

    Its just another form of control. If the workers can wear jeans or slacks, why cant the people visiting?

    On a side note, can people who arent JWs visit Bethel?

  • blondie

    Yes, but the dress code only applies to jws and non-jw family members that come with them to Bethel. It is up to the jw relatives to cue them into the "proper" dress.

    Dress code for "wordly" people at the KH is handled the same way. The person who studies with a person is supposed to tell their student how they should dress at the KH. Those with who cannot afford the change in wardrobe can get help from their teacher and show up in the right dress and grooming. Drop-ins are given more time.

    I went on a Bethel bus tour where non-jw husbands came with the jw wives...they did not shave their beards and wore cowboy like dress which drew raised eyebrows at Bethel behind their backs. I dropped back and asked if they had a half a brain they would realize these were non-jw husbands and if they caught them raising their eyebrows it would probably mean they would stay on the bus for the rest of the Bethel part.....

    *** km 6/02 p. 2 Question Box ***. It would be good to speak with Bible students and others who may be visiting to remind them of the importance of giving attention to proper dress and grooming. The Bethel family will appreciate your doing this.

    (This obviously cannot apply to non-jws who drop in who do not have a jw contact...right?)

    *** w03 8/1 p. 31 Learning the Art of Being Tactful ***When a stranger comes to the Kingdom Hall informally dressed or someone returns after a long absence, give him a warm welcome rather than comment on his dress or absence.

    *** w02 8/1 p. 16 par. 9 Stirred by "the Magnificent Things of God" ***Camille progressed in Bible knowledge. Martha realized that Camille needed to associate with others who were interested in serving God. With that in mind, she gave her student a dress and a pair of shoes, so that Camille would have something appropriate to wear when she attended her first meeting at the Kingdom Hall.

    I remember when many congregations required public speakers (or any elder on the platform) to wear only white shirts. They had extra shirts in varying sizes at the KH just in case a visiting speaker was not aware of their "rule." (Probably due to the fact it IS a rule for speakers on the platform at conventions/assemblies)

  • TMS

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    sizemik....I think you just like to live dangerously...watch out for that zip!

  • ProdigalSon

    The bottom half of the sisters' legs is ALL those poor brothers have to think about when they're wacking off.... not even the Watchtower is so cruel as to take that away from them.... there could be mass exodus from the R & F if they did....

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