KM article "How Will They Hear?"

by DB 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Faithful2Jah

    >>>>>God could read their hearts too ... but no, he makes Noah build a great big Boat ... piss poor engineering design ... Oh man ... the more I look at this stuff, the more it sounds like we were hoodwinked by lunatics.

    Amazing: You are turning into a very sorry sight. You go from a man who was supposedly an anointed Christian to a man who now not only questions the existence of God but ridicules the words of scripture. I wonder what your Christian children would think of you.

  • NameWithheld

    Joel, I absolutely agree - I have yet to speak to ONE person 'in the world' who has any idea what JW's teach. Most of them, if they even are aware of them, think they're just a weird group that goes around trying to 'sell' their religion to people.

    And it's getting worse - the JWs love to brag about how many hours they spend preaching each year - but we who were part of that 'vast preaching effort' know just exactly how accurately those hours are reported. Hours are stretched, time's wasted, etc. I have yet to see one JW doing door to door in my town in the past 3 years. And I live in a very populated area with a KH about 1/2 mile away. Maybe that's why - they hate to get to the territory so fast - they always look for those far away territories so it takes longer to drive to them.

    For every one JW that's converted - how many more babies are born? This 'preaching' work will NEVER be complete. So why bother? Besides, if god's just going to read the hearts of all those people anyway, again, why the *&%*^ are JWs knocking on doors?

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Hi all,

    A fascinating topic, another indication just how muddled their thinking is. Don't they reliaze that by the mere suggestion that God is perfectly capable of identifying the righteously-disposed unassisted by any human agency, that they undermine the very foundations of their ``let's-take-mankind's-salvation-into-our-own hands'' preaching campaign.

    Joel and Namewithheld are right on the money with their observation that the hundreds of millions of hours spent here in the U.S. pounding on doors has not appreciately elevated the public's awareness of what Jehovah's witnesses believe. ``Oh, aren't thye the ones who don't salute the flg and dson't take blood?'' is about the extent of their awareness.

    I often think about how little of the tons upon tons of books and magazines they churn ever actually get read... a tragic waste of wood pulp, not to mention human sweat equity. The best we can hope for is that at least some of it gets recycled.

  • DakotaRed

    As long as those unpreached too hordes in China and other remote areas aren't either Disfellowshipped or Disassociated, then they should be alright, huh? Jehovah can read their hearts, but he cannot read the hearts of those of us who left the org.?

    Maybe he just doesn't want to waste his time reading our hearts since the Watchtower has already passed judgment on us and condemned us to death! Forunately, we won't burn in hell, though.

    Oh, and don't forget. We will know it is becuase we left them behind, ROFLMFAO!!!!!

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • DB

    Thanks to all who read and posted!

  • aChristian


    As you know, the Watchtower Society has long taught that God will soon kill virtually everyone on earth except true Christians. Fortunately, the Bible does not teach that. I believe that when Christ returns He will judge only the Christian world. Two-thirds of the earth's population has never even heard the good news of Jesus Christ, including billions of people in lands like China and India. The Watchtower Society teaches that God will soon kill all of these people. I think they are wrong. This does not sound like the God of love, justice and mercy I worship.

    One thing that leads me to believe this is an incorrect understanding of scripture is that that the Bible tells us that "Judgment begins with the house of God." (1 Peter 4:17) Jesus also said those who will rule as kings with Him will "judge the 12 tribes of Israel." (Luke 22:30) To me this indicates that when Christ returns and draws all true Christians to Himself (Matt. 24:31), they will then determine who among those who have heard the good news of Jesus Christ and not taken it to heart are deserving of death. "The 12 tribes of Israel," spoken of in Luke 22:30, I believe refers to all those who have heard the good news preached by those whom Galatians 6:16 calls "the Israel of God." Remember, the literal "12 tribes of Israel" had all heard the Law of Moses, but few had taken it to heart.

    Remember too that it was only the city of Jerusalem that was destroyed in 70 AD, not the entire Roman empire, after those in Jerusalem who heeded Christ's words of warning had escaped. And First Century Jerusalem has long been understood to picture the Christian world, or as Jehovah's Witnesses call it, "Christendom."

    Also to be considered is a fact known by most serious students of the Bible, history and science. The flood of Noah's day was a local event, not a global one. God brought that judgment only upon a land that had heard the message of "Noah, a preacher of righteousness," and failed to respond to it. (2 Pet. 2:5) God did not take the lives of those in other parts of then widely populated earth who had not heard Noah's preaching.

    Interestingly, Revelation chapters 8 and 9 talk quite a bit about "a third of the world" being judged. And by population, the part of the world claiming Christianity as its religion is almost exactly one-third. (See The World Almanac 1998, page 654)

    If this understanding is correct, that Christ is returning to judge only the Christian world, then Christians, who all have the same "one hope" (Eph. 4:4-6), will then have plenty of people to rule over as they serve as kings with Christ for 1,000 years. And they will also then have plenty of people to help come to know the true God as they serve as His "priests." For that is, after all, what priests do.

    The Bible does not tell us exactly what will happen in the future. Because it does not, the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses, and my own beliefs on this subject matter, can only be considered speculation. However, I believe that Jehovah's Witnesses should be made aware that there are other ways to understand God's clearly stated intentions to have the meek inherit the earth (Ps. 37:11), and His intentions to have all Christians rule with Christ for 1,000 years, than to change the good news preached by the apostles which offered the same "one hope" to all Christians. (Gal.1:8,9)

  • LB

    Funny how they worry about Asia but I live in the state with the highest per captia of JW's. I have many neighbors who've never spoken to a witness. It's a rural territory and witnesses won't open a gate. We keep our gates closed.

    Guess the dubs will have to make some new lights to adjust for this failure.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

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